Looking for info on Ameraucana breeder for male chick

Any “Ameraucana” you get from hatchery is not going to be a true Ameraucana, but instead will be an Easter Egger. I was hoping Sand Hill might be an exception but with their Ameraucanas laying blue/green eggs, I don’t think so. Ejcrist is obviously an expert, maybe you could comment on what you see at Sand Hill.


If you want a true Ameraucana, I think Ejcrist gave you the best advice and a way to do it. Find a breeder near you through that association and get a cockerel later on this spring or summer or even later. I don’t know your flock situation but often integrating an older cockerel or rooster isn’t that bad.

If all you are after is an EE, you can try ordering from a hatchery and getting a sexed chick, but there will be minimum chick orders. There is a real possibility you could get a male that does not have the blue egg gene. Vermont doesn’t seem to have a real active state thread but maybe you could try posting on these and chatting to your neighbors about possibilities.


Good luck!
Any “Ameraucana” you get from hatchery is not going to be a true Ameraucana, but instead will be an Easter Egger. I was hoping Sand Hill might be an exception but with their Ameraucanas laying blue/green eggs, I don’t think so. Ejcrist is obviously an expert, maybe you could comment on what you see at Sand Hill.


If you want a true Ameraucana, I think Ejcrist gave you the best advice and a way to do it. Find a breeder near you through that association and get a cockerel later on this spring or summer or even later. I don’t know your flock situation but often integrating an older cockerel or rooster isn’t that bad.

If all you are after is an EE, you can try ordering from a hatchery and getting a sexed chick, but there will be minimum chick orders. There is a real possibility you could get a male that does not have the blue egg gene. Vermont doesn’t seem to have a real active state thread but maybe you could try posting on these and chatting to your neighbors about possibilities.


Good luck!
Thank you. I noticed Vermont is lacking a little :) we did order a few Easter egger females, all they had left was 3, no pure amerucana. I'll keep looking :) thanks
Hurray! We found a single Blue Amerucana male for sale who's the same age as ours that we will be getting :)
Thanks everyone for the advice :)

We'll consider purchasing a pullet rooster when ours are a older, we just hoped to find one at the same time as our chicks so they'd be raised tighter so to avoid the dreaded integration process.
Integrating a single roo into a flock of hens has never been a problem for me. Sometimes if the roo is very young and inexperienced, the hens might "test him" and he could suffer their wrath if he is meek, but once they are sexually mature, a roo presents a very commanding presence in the flock and will immediately subdue and satisfy the hens. After that, he's their guy and will "rule the roost". Hens love having a roo that takes charge and protects them, nothing looks as carefree as group of hens taking a dust bath while a roo watches over them. You are doing your chicks a great favor getting them a roo.

Hatchery sexed chicks are only about 90 or 95% female, it is very possible you could be raising a roo right now.
Purebred Ameraucanas are virtually impossible for breeders to sex as chicks, BTW. But breeders raise new stock often and end up with many extra young roos that are not quite as good as their new breeders, but still outstanding compared to any hatchery Am. Later in the year, it should be much easier for you to locate a nice roo, if you do end up with all pullets.

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