Looking for red jungle fowl hatching eggs

Chickie friend

Aug 9, 2020
Central TX
Want to get a few hens for my jungle fowl rooster. (half a dozen) pic is of the rooster. Willing to pay for shipping and then some. ;)

Edited because my incorrect autocorrect
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Check Ebay, I was looking for the same thing last month and was curious if people in the States were breeding semi true RJF. I found a seller in Florida, that had very close representation of true RJF, except he referred to them as Florida Crackers. And he was selling eggs.

I couldn't find this seller, but found another. 6+ Red Jungle Fowl Hatching Eggs NPIP Certified | eBay

Hope that helps.
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Check Ebay, I was looking for the same thing last month and was curious if people in the States were breeding semi true RJF. I found a seller in Florida, that had very close representation of true RJF, except he referred to them as Florida Crackers. And he was selling eggs.

I couldn't find this seller, but found another. 6+ Red Jungle Fowl Hatching Eggs NPIP Certified | eBay

Hope that helps.
Thanks, That looks good, I looked on ebay and didn't see anything before. The internet is a strange place🤔
Check Ebay, I was looking for the same thing last month and was curious if people in the States were breeding semi true RJF. I found a seller in Florida, that had very close representation of true RJF, except he referred to them as Florida Crackers. And he was selling eggs.

I couldn't find this seller, but found another. 6+ Red Jungle Fowl Hatching Eggs NPIP Certified | eBay

Hope that helps.
Here you go. His username here is Florida Bullfrog (https://www.backyardchickens.com/th...ican-deep-south.1309995/page-26#post-23576071).
That’s me. My listing goes up and down as I have eggs available. Eggs are slow because of the season, but they will continue to lay until late December or January. I have 6 put up now. When I get a couple more tomorrow I’ll relist.

As mentioned, they aren’t full blooded or close to it by my reckoning. They don’t eclipse and they don’t have a short crow. But they’re very beautiful and tough. I select for beauty and I let the environment and predators select for hardiness.



These two bull stags are my intended future brood cocks. The bottom one has nice sickles too but I accidentally plucked his whole tail out one night when catching him to weigh him. His tail is filling back in but his main two sickles are just now starting to peak out again.

I select for a degree of conformation to the wild phenotype, but I also select for what seems to make for a practical farm bird. Broader bodies, larger size, beefier birds than the wild birds, without sacrificing agility or flight ability. My first generation birds were 2-2.5lbs as cocks, my second generation cocks are 3-3.5lbs.

I have two groups I'm conforming to ABA standards, one group to American game bantam standards and another to junglefowl standards. The ABA junglefowl is going to be a small, wiry bird. I don't have yet have pics of them but I have two that generally ought to conform as they continue to grow out.


I haven't ever sold a hen. I generally keep all that I can that are proven survivors. One thing you can see is that all of my hens have combs after the young pullet stage. A purer JF hen would have no real comb to speak of.
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These two bull stags are my intended future brood cocks. The bottom one has nice sickles too but I accidentally plucked his whole tail out one night when catching him to weigh him. His tail is filling back in but his main two sickles are just now starting to peak out again.

I select for a degree of conformation to the wild phenotype, but I also select for what seems to make for a practical farm bird. Broader bodies, larger size, beefier birds than the wild birds, without sacrificing agility or flight ability. My first generation birds were 2-2.5lbs as cocks, my second generation cocks are 3-3.5lbs.

I have two groups I'm conforming to ABA standards, one group to American game bantam standards and another to junglefowl standards. The ABA junglefowl is going to be a small, wiry bird. I don't have yet have pics of them but I have two that generally ought to conform as they continue to grow out.

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I haven't ever sold a hen. I generally keep all that I can that are proven survivors. One thing you can see is that all of my hens have combs after the young pullet stage. A purer JF hen would have no real comb to speak of.
Those are beautiful, actually after this thread had died for a while I ordered some and it says that they're coming today!
(I contacted you too about when they were available on eBay)
I’m probably going to relist an order again this evening, but they’ll likely sell out in a few hours. Because of the cold snap, its taking about 3 days to fill an order with extras so the best I can do is trickle out an order at the time.

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