Looking for source of NH Red pullets in NH


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 19, 2008
Epping, NH
I'm looking to reopen my coop this spring and would like to find a place I can purchase 25 NH red pullets and 2 or 3 NH red cockerels.
I've hatched and raised chicks in the past and would like to restart my coop with 4 to 6 month old birds to make things easy.
I'm in southern NH so I would be looking to buy from the NH , MA, and ME area.
I would go with Gordie . Everything I have heard about him is FANTASTIC! His stock is beautiful. Other members will chime in soon with thier experiences. He is in Wisconsin and EXTREMELY busy so send him an E-mail for photos and be patient, he will get to you as fast as he can. I really think this will be your best bet for quality birds.

Good Luck
Thanks Adam,
I'm really looking to pickup young birds locally. I'm not setup right know to take care of chicks. I've bought young pullets and cockerels at the local fairs but those aren't usually until fall. I'm looking to have a coop full of egg layers by May.
WELL....I DID IT. Stopped by local Agway this am to check feed and chicken stuff prices. I asked if the guy had a line on any pullets for sale. "WELL...got some chicks comin' in next Tuesday"
I explained I was looking for 5 or 6 month old birds.
"Kind of hard to get this time of year"
SOOOO...I pre-purchased 20 of his NH Red day old chicks !!!
THEN.....I bought 6 eggs for hatching off EBAY tonite !!!!!
SOOOO...by next weekend I'll have 20 chicks in the cellar in the brooder and 6 eggs right next to them in the incubator !!!
Guess I'm back in the baby chicken business !!

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