Looking for the best iced tea recipe

unfortunately green tea also has caffeine - it's just a younger tea from what I've heard. You will need to find an herb tea if you want something no caffeine........

Thanks, I know you can make it with just the mint and no tea bags. Maybe I'll give it a try.... can't imagine it would be very good though...
I have to drink decaf, also, and you just kinda get used to the taste - especially if you put mint and sugar in it!!!! To make a gallon, I use 8-10 decaf teabags (the decaf ones don't have as much flavor, so it takes more bags), a big handful of mint leaves and stems (grows wild by the creek here), and about 1 qt water (from the Artesian well, of course!). Bring to a boil, then simmer for about 10 min. Remove tea bags and mint. Add about 3/4 cup sugar (more or less to taste) and stir to dissolve. Fill your pitcher about 1/3 full with ice, then add some cool water. Pour in your tea mixture, then add more water to fill the pitcher. Stir and enjoy!
I full up my coffee pot with water, run the water thru then add 6 tea bags, turn off the pot and let it steep for maybe half hour, remove the tea bags, add tea to gallon jug and fill with water and 1 cup of sugar or splenda and chill. Grew up with iced tea always in the fridge and I account it for my grandparents (all 4) longevity.
I'm a HUGE fan of mint tea... I like spice in my tea, not citrus.
I like the Lipton Cold Brew, I toss the bags in the pitcher, add a tray of ice then fill with water. I get the peppermint from my garden. I put a cup of water in the micro for a couple minutes while I go gather the mint, then let the mint leaves steep in it. Sometimes I add a cinnamon stick, or some cinnamon basil, or cloves, or ALL of those things!
Then I strain it into the pitcher, then I dump the steeped leaves and spices into a coffee filter and tie it with a string from a tea bag and drop it into the pitcher. I leave it and the bags in the pitcher because I will add water to it for 2 or 3 days then start all over.
I have also been known to put a shot or two of Jack Daniels in a glass of mint tea if I'm in the mood for a julep!!
I confess Im a Crystal light freak. But its too expensive in the stores; if you get the Walmart brand, its less than half price. I drink gallons of it every day. I get the Peach Tea...Im so addicted to it.
Hawaiian Plantation Tea

5-6 regular black tea bag in a (non-plastic) pitcher
4-5 sprigs of mint (I grow Kentucky Colonel mint)
3/4 to 1 1/4 cup or so of sugar (or sweetener of choice--my WW friend uses 6 Splendas is hers)

Pour about 4 cups of boiled water over and let steep for about 6 minutes.

Fish out tea bags.

Add one small can of 100% pineapple juice (I use the Dole 6oz. cans that come in six-packs).

Fill pitcher with ice and serve in ice-filled glasses garnished with additional fresh mint sprigs.

This is an old-time standard that is served in many of the historic hotels back home in Hawaii. The story goes that it was the hot-weather drink of choice of the Haoles who ran the pineapple and sugar plantations back in the day. Now that I live in Virginia I always make it for cook-outs and even the die-hard Southern Sweet Tea fans rave about this one!
You can make a simple syrup and add it to the tea for sweetening. All you do is boil 2c water and 2c sugar. When disolved cool and refrig. It lasts up to 2 months..that is if you don't use it first. All you do is add 1tsp to your tea....or other mixed drinks...adult beverages..ya know!

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