Looking for Understanding to Mysterious Death


10 Years
Jan 5, 2010
Greene Co. Arkansas
Hi everybody,

I experineced a loss last night when Frenchie, my Buff Orpington pullet of less than a year old (~10 mos?) died last night.
I found her alive, breathing hard, sitting on the ground (unusual), breathing difficultly. When I picked her up, her feet were cold. I tried to coach a few drops of water into her beak, no luck. In a matter of minutes, her neck became limp, she closed her eyes, jolted a couple of times and was gone. I didn't notice anything in her nostrils that might have caused the breathing trouble.

All other chickens seem to be healthy.

Any ideas on what happened or preventative measures?

Any chance of doing an at home necropsy? This would be the only way to see any gross anomalies.

I would guess at her age that the problem was either reproductive or heart related. I am tempted to say heart related due to the circulation problem (cold extremities) and the difficulty breathing.

Sorry for your loss.
Thank you for your condolences.

I'm not brave enough to perform a necropsy, but your answer makes sense considering she was quite plump maybe that added to her problems.

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