Looking to learn :-)

Hello, good morning and welcome to the BYC community :ya from beginner to beginner, research is important! Be sure the ground, where the coop will be, is leveled. Build a larger coop than what you have because chicken math can get you in trouble and its not as fun subtracting.
My favorite breeds vary from one reason to another. Rhode island reds and Barred-Rock are good layers, orpingtons are big and beautiful, and Easter Eggers are just fun to look at but I couldn't tell you how good they lay.
Depending on where you live, there may or may not be a vet. The closest vet for me is 30-45 minutes. It may be worth knowing in case you ever need one. Check the flock for any mites or lice at least once a month.
Be sure to feed according to the age of your flock and limit treats.
There is a ton of information here :) wishing you the best of luck!
Hi! Welcome to BYC!

That looks like a great coop set up to me. Definitely build a proper walk in coop, In the long run you'll be happy you did. Take it from someone who finally did that this year after building a coop a year for the last 5 years.

Starting chickens is easy. They are really hardy little birds. I personally use medicated starter feed for my chicks, but some on here would recommend against it. I've never had a problem with a chick, so if it's not broken, I'm not fixing it. :lol: Some people just go straight into All Flock. feed. And then some go organic grains all the way. So, there are so many choices and no wrong way to go about it.

Best of luck on your new coop and flock!

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