Looking to trade for Barred Rock pullets


11 Years
May 17, 2008
I am wanting to trade 4 red "mystery" girls and 1 Black Star for 2 Barred Rock pullets.
My girls are almost 6 weeks old. I'm looking for girls less than 12 weeks old. My boy is 16 weeks.
Can send a pic of the reds. They were a "fill in" on my order and I don't know what they are.
Raising chickens as pet/eggers not going to recycle them myself.
Looking in the upper DE to Cecil county, MD area if I need to pickup.
Please contact me at: [email protected] and put chickens in subject line.

Thank you,
http://public. fotki.com/ bloodmoonimages3/
(don't let the name put you off, I do signature tags as a hobby and this is one of my pickup sites.)

You'll have to c/p. Sorry I didn't reply sooner. Not the most cooperative when getting a pic taken.
They came from Welp.
Welp also sells RIR and New Hampshire Red, but mine were darker than the pic they showed. They were 3 days old when I got them.


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