Looks like I'm feeding way too many chickens!


9 Years
Jun 17, 2015
Haskell TX
I'm 7 months into my first year as a chicken owner. I have to admit that's it's been a great time and I really enjoy owning my flock. I started with 9 RIR pullets and 1 RIR rooster. The girls have done great ... the last 2 days I've collected 9 eggs a day ... that's 100% production ... so coodos to my girls.

Then I was sure there would be a demand for these eggs as they are just so much better than store eggs as we all know. So, I ordered another 9 chicks. Today, with the chicks just less than a month old I have them fully integrated with the older birds. They get to free range during the day. That's 18 producing pullets by next June. And they don't really cost much to feed.

The problem is that I can't find people who are interested in these eggs. Anytime I've given away a dozen they are grateful but as of today I don't have a single customer.

I don't understand it. But I'm not into traveling about trying to give eggs away, and I hate to see them wasted.

I need to get a plan for the future.
Put up an add on Craigslist or some other local sales network, or maybe some flyers at your local feed store(s). The sign in the yard is a good suggestion too.

Nobody wanted to buy mine either, but like you, they sure were happy to take them for free. I stopped giving them away, and those people started wondering where their free eggs went. I told them they were in my fridge, and they'd stay there unless I got $2 a dozen for them. I mean, c'mon, the grocery store isn't giving them away for nothing. So, neither am I. Now I have a hard time keeping up with demand. Guess I was just being "too nice" with those free eggs!
I had a pretty good sign in my yard but after about a month I'd had only one buyer, my neighbor's little boy. So now I've taken it down.

I wonder just how many people understand when you offer 'fresh eggs' ... one guy who bought a dozen said 'happily' Oh, those brown eggs? I might make three signs ... 'Eggs' '$2 doz' 'Brown Eggs' ... I was asking $3 but I just don't think it was price that was keeping me from getting business. I think you just have to find the people who are knowledgeable about the value of fresh eggs.

I'm keeping my chickens so I think I'll just put up another sign and try to be patient.

I had stopped in at my H&R Block office and left a couple of dozen to a couple of grateful potential customers. Left my phone number and asked them to text me. It just seems like it would be easy to get something like that office buying 5-6 doz/week. Maybe I should just continue to drop off samples and then someday I'll bet I get a customer doing that.

I do have an ad in my local paper as well but nothing from that as yet.

I know that when you get a customer they are grateful and loyal and don't mind paying $3.
Personally, when I've seen people with signs or flyers or ads for fresh eggs, I have wanted to buy them. The only thing that stopped me was not knowing when was a good time to stop by, because no hours and usually no phone number were posted. I feel weird just knocking on someone's door. Hope you get some customers soon.

Also stressing that they are from happy, healthy hens doesn't hurt.
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I considered that and believe it to be true. I've considered setting out a large ice chest and a 'money jug' .... just don't think that is quite the problem.

I think your only way to success may be by word of mouth and slowly build a customer list.
I considered that and believe it to be true. I've considered setting out a large ice chest and a 'money jug' .... just don't think that is quite the problem.

I think your only way to success may be by word of mouth and slowly build a customer list.

Your last idea is spot on. Start with a customer or two and usually they tell their friends. I've also had friends who have started by putting out ice chests once a week (Saturday) with a note that they would be home Saturdays and after a bit people were knocking on their doors.
My problem right now is my hens decided to do a group moult
so only my hens who were peeps last spring are laying. The rest are getting feathered up so hope they don't wait until the days get longer to lay. I have people asking who I said I would tell as soon as they start laying again. That's the problem with a small operation, they egg production isn't always steady.
I had given a dozen of eggs here and there to our family and friends when out hens started laying last year. Without intentions of selling any eggs since we just wanted to try fresh eggs for ourselves ( accidental hen owners)

None of our families bought eggs from us but friends suddenly ordered 2 doz each fam per week paying $4/doz. Total of 7 families (that's 168) eggs/week on demand. I can't fill up orders fast enough, also I had to turn down a few more people from work that found out after posting photos of our coop on Instagram.
I couldn't add more hens since my coop and run is maxed out for now after adding 13 more. I wish I can add 20 more, we had few people that had the tour of our little coop and run and they like the environmental conditions of our chickens and how we kept them eating "organic" clean and the no-wash eggs policy. I don't have any signs on my yard or anything, and I don't sell to strangers just to friends.

Maybe if you can utilize the social media just "bragging" about your new hobby to some friends, coworker and families, that may possibly create demands.

I also challenged some friends on hard boiled egg taste test ( store bought v. Our eggs) sure winner, our backyard eggs on texture and taste.
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I considered that and believe it to be true. I've considered setting out a large ice chest and a 'money jug' .... just don't think that is quite the problem.

I think your only way to success may be by word of mouth and slowly build a customer list.
Yep, that's how I did it...but I only need 3-4 regular customers to eat up all my eggs....all friends and acquaintances.
Lots of folks sell where they work.

And it's true that you have to find people who are willing to pay more than $2 for non factory egg.
$3.50 is make or break for me over the last 2 years.

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