Loosing feathers! Please advise


6 Years
Sep 2, 2017
I have 3 chickens and one of them is loosing the feathers on the round ball on the front of the chest and also underneath between the legs. She has been very loud lately and I am worried that she is uncomfortable and/or in pain. Has anybody experienced this before and can help with a cure or should I take her straight to the vet? Also Do I need a special vet or will the regular vet be able to help me? We got the chicken in September whe nthey were about 6 weeks old and are all laying almost every day. We feed them organic layer mix, oyster shell and grit as well as fresh fruit and vergtable scraps such as young coconuts, Mangoes, canteloup, tomatoes and lots of kale. They are out i nthe garden eating grass and digging in the soil in the day for a few hours usually. Any adivce is appreciated, very worried and concerned chicken mommy, please help!
Sounds like feathers being rubbed off in the nestboxes or on the roosts. That fairly normal. I would check for lice and mites just to be sure.
We use diatomaceous earth in the sand box to help elliminate mite problems I will check her just to make sure thank you

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