Loosing our home to the power company...

:thun I am so sorry. Be strong.
Government makes me sick. Industry I don't mind, without the government. Eminent domain has always been obnoxious, but it used to be limited by the government's "need"
for a specific piece of land. Somehow, it's suddenly for the government's "need" to be paid for particular piece of land.
They tried to pull that here too. Wanted to put in a coal burning plant just outside of our town. It wasnt for us though it was for the panhandle of Florida. We didnt get a vote but Tallahasse did as it was going to raise their rate. Luckily our Governor stepped in and said no. Now I hear they are trying to put it in South Georgia somewhere.
Enough people stood up to them at every meeting there were people from town protesting this plant. Sometimes they listen to the people.
My area is going threw the same BS with power lines. Personally I think power plants should be built where the power is needed and not waste money and ruin peoples lives with building endless miles of high voltage power lines.
Just another example of the "Go Big Business" mentality at work. Nice that the business in question is plotting to use more fossil fuels (soooo environmentally-friendly), too. Heh.

Remember this situation on election day.
Oh goodness! That is quite terrible, I'd be soo angry. Gosh dern company's... it just disgust me how they think they can squish the little people!
New Jersey has plenty of coastline. They could put up some absolutely clean windmills a few miles offshore, wouldn't even be visible to those on land. It is absolutely ridiculous for them to ruin untold square miles of land, and how many people's lives for this endeavor. Purple chicken's advice sounds pretty good if you have the time to devote to it.

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