Losing another hen to this awful heat

This summer is one I want to be a distant memory very soon. I just hope it isn't going to be a trend. Even up here at our elevation, we are having the worst summer in many years. Certainly it's the worst since we bought this place 9 years ago. I'm hoping not too many more folks lose their birds and I'm so sorry for the ones who already have.
We were really hoping for a break soon but the overall forecast for August looks much the same, if not a little hotter. We were really excited when they predicted a 60% chance of rain for today, but then it was changed back to 30%. Haven't had any measurable rain since May.

After trying to diagnose one of my brahma girls Dink, I've finally come to the conclusion that she just has a little heat stress. She's perky in the morning, slows down as the day gets hotter, goes to roost early. Brahmas are tough birds and I'm really hoping Dink can hold on just a little bit longer.
September can't get here fast enough.
I too, think this is a terrible summer. I live a bit north of Tampa, and usually the temps are around 89-90% with an occassional day over that. Well this year, it's been 92-95 degrees every day! And it's 8:22 pm and it's still 88 degrees.

And yes, I have my second heat stress victim. A Favorolle. Sitting behind a tree, I picked her up, and she didn't fuss. I put her in a bowl of water and sprayed the top of her, she looked like she was falling asleep. I let her go and she just went and sat against the fence. So now she's in my bathroom, nice and cool with food and water.

She's one of the two that really get stressed in the heat. I'm always keeping my eye on them.
I have two hens in the office with me right now to give them a break for a bit. Shhhhh! Don't tell my DH. I would love to bring them all in, but could only bring the two that appeared to be suffering the worst, my lt. brahma hen Dink and my only bantam brahma, Maggie.
We're under a heat advisory through Wednesday, with temps. predicted to go as high as 107* and barely dropping into the 70s at night.

I'm thinking about canceling a doctor's appt. I have Wed. I don't want to leave the chickens for that long.

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