Lost 5,4 wk old chicks, now my all black cutie is listless


I just got back from her feeding. She looked so much better. She was curious and was quite interested in what I was doing to prepare the feed. She gobbled up the mash from the dropper and even pecked at the towel looking for dropped mash. The droppings on the paper looked better with no blood showing. Could the improvement be so fast?

A great side effect of all this handling is a pullet that will be so much more socialized. I am really beginning to believe she will make it.

As soon as I put her down in the brooder, she started looking around and pecking the paper. Then, she took a nap.

Keep fingers crossed. She really is the prettiest bird in my little flock. She's a blue wheaten EE.
My chick is doing fine now, and on sulmet for just 2 days so far! I am putting it in all my waterers. And will continue w/ the mash. This site is a life saver for chickies! Thanks Donna

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