lost 7 chicks in less than 24 hours help !

well I ended up losing all but 4 I thought those were fine but went out this AM and I have 2 left one fluffed up and if you touch it it falls over or stumbles the other is acting fine but I don't know if he'll be ok in the morning I have been treating the with corid and it doesn't seem to be working I have been freezing the 5 Gallon buckets and putting out there I'm so sad right now I still have 2 standard chicks inside and 4 batams but those were going to be my flock i was getting out of all but my games and black australorps
I cleaned the pen totally out today and my husband is going to spray with whatever natural mold and germ killer i can find before we put anyone back in there any other advice would be great
oh and does anyone know the symptoms of anything other than cocci that this could be I could treat with something else maybe ?

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