lost 7 chicks in less than 24 hours help !


8 Years
May 4, 2011
Cleveland , Georgia
o k yesterday when I went to feed my chicks I found one dead I of course freaked out but my hubby said it was probably just the heat so I didn't think anything about it all the others were bright happy running around pecking my toes and what not now I went out today to find 4 more dead and 1 barely alive I have sent for med.s now is this what cocci is like ? the one left is weak won't walk if you bump him a little he falls over not interested in feed or drinking I have never seen anything like this they have all been perfectly healthy ! I have 8 left and will be treating them and my older birds just in case please any advice what did I do wrong ? I deep litter but I add new dry bedding every other day feed twice a day water 3 times a day I'm really confused because none of the chicks were acting sickly at all yesterday and today is the first symptoms I've seen at all !I'm so sad and going crazy waiting on hubby with the med.s !
OK, first how old are they? What does their poop look like? What is the brooder situation? What are they eating? It might be most anything, heat ,cocci , gnats, vitamins, etc. We need some more info please! Try the sticky at the beginning of the emergency thread.

Another thought, put your nose down in their bedding. Does it smell like ammonia? Dump everything out and change all of the bedding.
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OK, first how old are they? What does their poop look like? What is the brooder situation? What are they eating? It might be most anything, heat ,cocci , gnats, vitamins, etc. We need some more info please! Try the sticky at the beginning of the emergency thread.

they are 3-4 weeks old the brooder is outside stays no lower than 80 degrees it has a top and 3 sides closed one side is partially closed at night and open during the day they are eating starter grower feed their poop looks like it always has the one that is acting sick isn't pooping or hasn't since I brought him in umm. they are mostly black australorps I lost one domonique chicks and 2 aracaunas .
today is the first day I have seen symptoms and it is just the one chick the others I found dead never showed a symptom they were fine last night and this morning they were dead
I would post a pic but I don't have a camera till hubby gets back but when he does I'll post one
I am just guessing, but maybe heat stress. A while ago, people were posting about bloodsucking flies/ gnats killing grown chickens in less than 24 hrs.
Maybe someone can chime in?
I am in Georgia and am losing a bunch to the heat.. I have brought some in the house for some "intensive care" but the temperature difference is rough on them. Make sure there is shade and ventilation. My coop unfortunatly is out in the open - although covered- We added fans and that helped some.. mine free range during the day and coop at night (and now they come back to the coop in the heat of the day). They chase the shade until the sun is high overhead - then to the coop they go. Today we added a mister to see if that helps. I make sure there is always plenty of water and put ice in it daily. 95+ temperatures are hard on them.

I am sorry to hear about your loss... We have advantages down here in the south with our longer growing season.. but this heat is a killer for sure.

my hubby thinks it's the heat the brooder pen is under shade and has a fan I'm gonna try putting frozen 5 gallon buckets out there see if it helps any I read that some where i never really thought about heat being a problem as long as they had water the meds are pulling up now so just in case I'll go do that and update tomorrow Thanks for the help ya'll !
awww I am sorry for ya!
At 4 weeks if your lows are 80 you definitely don't need to add any heat at all. Even if they are 70 as ours are, you don't.

Sorry this happened to you.
so the chicks are doing fine today I have a frozen 5 gallon bucket in each corner of the pen now so hopefully they'll do fine thanks for all the replies ! I'm so ready to get moved so that they can roam the whole yard instead of just the pens and runs !

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