Lost and Found Duckling


10 Years
May 25, 2009
Long Island, New York
A friend of mine contacted me about a duckling she has and wants to know if I'd take it. She says "it was on a deliver truck that came to her house today." She says it was quacking like crazy and is yellow. I told her I'd take it if it's domestic. I'm assuming she meant that the duckling was IN the truck and had probably wandered in there while it was being loaded. I'm also assuming that it's domestic.

I could take it, but it would probably be by itself, but I currently have one week old guineas. Think it could go in with them or should I keep it separate? I have 3 juvenile ducks that it could live with once it's grown.
I'd keep him separate from the others at first.
If you can somehow make a pen for him next to the others so they can all start to get used to each other.
So, don't put him/her in with the guineas or DO put it in with them after separation time? Or keep it separate and move it in with the ducks once they are used to each other? Do guineas and ducks get along?
Don't know if guineas and ducks get along or not.

I would put him separate but by the ducks for a week, maybe longer, until he is close to the same size as them.
Be observant and see how the ducks warm up to him.
Once it seems everyone is comfortable and he's similar in size so he can defend if any feathers do fly,
Then I'd do supervised mingling at first, just see how it goes.
Hopefully everyone flocks right up with no issues. I introduced a newbie to my flock a couple of weeks ago with no issues.
(see Hole in Chest thread)
If there are issues, give them a minute to work it out themselves. If feathers continue to fly and it's looking dangerous, segregate him again for awhile and try again in another few days.
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Definitly seperate the first night and slow introduce with the guineas. Evaluate and make decisions as you go. There are two sides to compatability and you don't know what exposure the duckling has had.

I have one guinae running around with the hens and ducks just fine. As long as the guineas are hens or young males they cohabitate fine (in my experience). Introduce to the other ducks during the day. Do not leave with ducks at night until the duckling is big enough not to get accidently smushed by the older ducks when they huddle at night.

Bring inside or use a lamp at night until you are comfortable.

Enjoy, Bugg
Since the duckling is by himself, I would suggest putting a small mirror and a stuffed animal in the brooder with him!
It will make him think he has company!
Get a heat lamp as well.
Well nevermind! Turns out it's a wild mallard so I've brought to the local wildlife rescue center. He/she will stay there till it's old enough to be released. Thanks for your help everyone!
Well nevermind! Turns out it's a wild mallard so I've brought to the local wildlife rescue center. He/she will stay there till it's old enough to be released. Thanks for your help everyone!
good for you thats the best place for it!!

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