LOVED the description of Items that go on Items!
So now we know that the 'you gots to shoot 'um in the head so you break the connection' advice is just another one of those urban myths!!

Thank you so much for clearing that up for those of us who are "inexperienced" with skunk head shots.

Great story. Verrry hilarious.
Apparently this guy told some friends about my chicks. Now Coyotes are approaching at night. The lab we have is in a run and her barks keep them away but for how long? I am not going to find out!

They camera is back up and we are now going dark again. OP #2 is underway!
Liquid dishwashing soap and peroxide will neutralize almost all of the scent oil. The problem is finding out where it all went. Maybe a pressurized weed sprayer would work, and allow you to coat a large area. Not sure if you would have to clean up the residue since I am not a horse guy.
Funny story! It's somewhat similar to the one I had a few years ago. I didn't get sprayed but got the fallout from skunky's last hoorah. And oh yes, they do let loose as they are dying, no matter where you shoot them.
2x. I once chucked a banana peel out the window as I was driving into town. On my way back, I smelled fresh skunk. There was a dead skunk right next to the banana peel all flattened out. So you might want to throw some banana peel in the middle of the road for good measure.

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