Lost my beloved guinea to a weasel... one injured, one dead, and one escaped unscathed.


Call Duck obsessed! 🦆💕
Mar 14, 2020
Last night around 12:00pm I heard a commotion. I heard one of the guineas screaming outside my window and knew something was wrong. I had three guineas are a year old. They have free ranged outside every night since they were large enough to move out. They usually roost on the fence or up in my trees at night. I always leave my window at night open so I can hear them need be. Haven’t had an issue till now...
Anyways, after hearing the commotion I immediately ran outside. Right literally 4-5 steps from my deck I saw one of the guineas making strange movements. I ran to it right away to see what was going on. There was a weasel latched on to the guinea by the neck. And a second weasel that had my other guinea. Once I saw it I frantically looked around for a weapon. I found a board and was able to get the first weasel off the neck of the guinea. I was able run inside to grab a weapon and kill the first weasel. The second weasel would not let go of my other guinea, with me standing there it tried to drag the guinea under my deck. I was able to get the guinea away finally and that weasel ran off. Once I got the first weasel off, the first guinea ran to the corner of my lawn. I knew I first had to get this injured guinea (later realized it was peep) in. Things weren’t looking good. I couldn’t find the third guinea (Bandit the male) anywhere. I swiftly moved the injured guinea (the second guinea Peep) inside on a towel. I could tell that it’s injuries were grave so I made the hard decision to leave it be and go try to recover the other two. I knew the first guinea (Tiny) ran to the corner of my yard so I headed that way. I found the first guinea (Tiny) hunched down in the corner of my yard. When I picked up Tiny I could feel blood on my hand. I brought her in as fast as I could. I figured that the third guinea had already been killed so I sat with the second guinea (peep) for a few moments. I saw that the weasel had slashed its artery and poor little peep bled out in a few minutes. Now that I had recovered these two I went out to find the third guinea (Bandit). I found him safe and sound in my neighbors yard. Thankfully he was not injured. I’m thinking the first guinea (Tiny) may have a punctured lung but I can’t tell (keeps pecking me when I get close) it is making a huffing noise and putting its head down. It is still alive as of now and drank some water with electrolyte. Both still seem to be in shock. I will put gloves on and inspect her closely this morning. I’m heartbroken. The whole ordeal lasted less than 20 minutes. :hit
the two live guineas are currently stationed in my shed for recovery. Bandit the male and Tiny the female. I feel so bad that I couldn’t save poor little peep. She was my favorite and was more sociable than the others. She also had white on her wings.

How will I go about catching the escaped weasel? Liver or chicken in a trap? Bait it with the body of the slain guinea?

So a recap one weasel was killed, one weasel escaped, one guinea was killed, one guinea escaped unscathed, and one guinea was injured.
Last night around 12:00pm I heard a commotion. I heard one of the guineas screaming outside my window and knew something was wrong. I had three guineas are a year old. They have free ranged outside every night since they were large enough to move out. They usually roost on the fence or up in my trees at night. I always leave my window at night open so I can hear them need be. Haven’t had an issue till now...
Anyways, after hearing the commotion I immediately ran outside. Right literally 4-5 steps from my deck I saw one of the guineas making strange movements. I ran to it right away to see what was going on. There was a weasel latched on to the guinea by the neck. And a second weasel that had my other guinea. Once I saw it I frantically looked around for a weapon. I found a board and was able to get the first weasel off the neck of the guinea. I was able run inside to grab a weapon and kill the first weasel. The second weasel would not let go of my other guinea, with me standing there it tried to drag the guinea under my deck. I was able to get the guinea away finally and that weasel ran off. Once I got the first weasel off, the first guinea ran to the corner of my lawn. I knew I first had to get this injured guinea (later realized it was peep) in. Things weren’t looking good. I couldn’t find the third guinea (Bandit the male) anywhere. I swiftly moved the injured guinea (the second guinea Peep) inside on a towel. I could tell that it’s injuries were grave so I made the hard decision to leave it be and go try to recover the other two. I knew the first guinea (Tiny) ran to the corner of my yard so I headed that way. I found the first guinea (Tiny) hunched down in the corner of my yard. When I picked up Tiny I could feel blood on my hand. I brought her in as fast as I could. I figured that the third guinea had already been killed so I sat with the second guinea (peep) for a few moments. I saw that the weasel had slashed its artery and poor little peep bled out in a few minutes. Now that I had recovered these two I went out to find the third guinea (Bandit). I found him safe and sound in my neighbors yard. Thankfully he was not injured. I’m thinking the first guinea (Tiny) may have a punctured lung but I can’t tell (keeps pecking me when I get close) it is making a huffing noise and putting its head down. It is still alive as of now and drank some water with electrolyte. Both still seem to be in shock. I will put gloves on and inspect her closely this morning. I’m heartbroken. The whole ordeal lasted less than 20 minutes. :hit
the two live guineas are currently stationed in my shed for recovery. Bandit the male and Tiny the female. I feel so bad that I couldn’t save poor little peep. She was my favorite and was more sociable than the others. She also had white on her wings.

How will I go about catching the escaped weasel? Liver or chicken in a trap? Bait it with the body of the slain guinea?

So a recap one weasel was killed, one weasel escaped, one guinea was killed, one guinea escaped unscathed, and one guinea was injured.
Oh that’s heartbreaking, FunnyFarm! I’m so sorry that you’ve had to go though this. :hitIt’s amazing that something as small as a weasel can take on something as big as a guinea! They sound like they were incredibly determined if they made you pry them off! I don’t know anything about successful trapping. I hope your survivors recover!!! :fl
Oh that’s heartbreaking, FunnyFarm! I’m so sorry that you’ve had to go though this. :hitIt’s amazing that something as small as a weasel can take on something as big as a guinea! They sound like they were incredibly determined if they made you pry them off! I don’t know anything about successful trapping. I hope your survivors recover!!! :fl
It definitely was. Thanks, I feel as if I’ve failed them. :(
it is, I couldn’t believe that the little weasel was able to drag the guinea as big as they are! They were very determined and were not afraid of me in the slightest! I couldn’t believe this, and the fact that it occurred steps away from my house! I ran out there to scare them off and they didn’t budge! I found that most surprising! :eek:

Thanks so much. I really hope they recover too. At least the weasels didn’t kill all of them. I will try to get a picture of Tiny’s injuries later. I’m hesitant to spray vetricyn if she has a punctured lung. I’m worried it would go in the hole and down into the lungs. I’m not sure how to treat her. I guess I’ll figure it out once I examine her further. Do you know if there a treatment if she would have a punctured lung? :confused:
It definitely was. Thanks, I feel as if I’ve failed them. :(
it is, I couldn’t believe that the little weasel was able to drag the guinea as big as they are! They were very determined and were not afraid of me in the slightest! I couldn’t believe this, and the fact that it occurred steps away from my house! I ran out there to scare them off and they didn’t budge! I found that most surprising! :eek:

Thanks so much. I really hope they recover too. At least the weasels didn’t kill all of them. I will try to get a picture of Tiny’s injuries later. I’m hesitant to spray vetricyn if she has a punctured lung. I’m worried it would go in the hole and down into the lungs. I’m not sure how to treat her. I guess I’ll figure it out once I examine her further. Do you know if there a treatment if she would have a punctured lung? :confused:
I would try to gently clean around the injury (vetricyn is as safe as you’ll get) then apply a bandage to try to seal the area. Is a vet a possibility? Would she even survive a trip to the vet?
I would try to gently clean around the injury (vetricyn is as safe as you’ll get) then apply a bandage to try to seal the area. Is a vet a possibility? Would she even survive a trip to the vet?
Thanks! I will try to clean it then attempt to bandage. I’m debating weather or not the vet is a possibility. I’m going to see how she does tonight. Maybe decide depending on how she’s doing. One thing I’m worried is that likely she would get too stressed on the way to the vet and possibly die. Closest vet that treats poultry is a ways away. Plus if she’s separated from Bandit she panics. Unfortunately she’s also my most skittish and least sociable. :hmm
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Thanks! I will try to clean it then attempt to bandage. I’m debating weather or not the vet is a possibility. I’m going to see how she does tonight. Maybe decide depending on how she’s doing. One thing I’m worried is that likely she would get too stressed on the way to the vet and possibly die. Closest vet that treats poultry is a ways away. Plus if she’s separated from Bandit she panics. Unfortunately she’s also my most skittish and least sociable. :hmm
Really hoping that she pulls through!
Really hoping that she pulls through!
Thanks! I really appreciate the support and well wishes. :hugs

I hope Tiny recovers too. I just went out and checked the two of them. She looks much better and is standing up more not as hunched over. She is still huffing but is in better spirits. I’ll try to get some pictures or a video later. :)
Wow, it always amazes me that some animals are brazen enough to stand their ground against a human, even after said human killed one!

I'm so sorry about Peep and Tiny. Good vibes are being sent her way for recovery, and to you, as well. :hugs
Me too, I have never had such an encounter with a predator. I was Astonished at how that weasel wasn’t even afraid! The first one was at least a bit frightened once I got really close but the second wouldn’t budge and stood it’s ground. I practically had to pry poor peep out of its mouth. What a vicious weasel. :mad:

Thank you very much for the well wishes and condolences. I’m hoping Tiny will make a recovery. I did get her to eat a bit and drink some water with electrolytes. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. :hugs
I built a weasel trap from wood in the shape of a small box with a hole cut in it. There is a rat trap inside and it is baited with beef liver. Hopefully I catch this cold hearted weasel. We shall see. :fl

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