Lost my peahen today


6 Years
Feb 2, 2017
I lost my peahen to a coyote today and was wondering if I should get another for my male? They were really close and they were the only ones I have. I also have some guinea hens that he will hang with but I'm scared he will wander looking for her. Any suggestions??
I would get him a few or he may act like mine and go searching for tail. The one I have was chasing the wild turkeys down the rd until I got him 4 females now he never leaves the yard anymore, but still runs around acting goofy when the turkeys show up as if to say " Im not the daddy" I got a lot of predators around me also minus a couple raccoons and almost a wolf tonite.
I lost my peahen to a coyote today and was wondering if I should get another for my male? They were really close and they were the only ones I have. I also have some guinea hens that he will hang with but I'm scared he will wander looking for her. Any suggestions??

(I am an enabler)
Of course you should!
Thank you! I am going to start to look for some females. Does it matter how old they are? I don't think my male is very old. He doesn't make the infamous noise yet. They would just kinda honk at each other
I have heard its best to get them as chicks so they stay put where as old birds are flighty and may fly away unless u pen them of course and not let them free range which is how my bird came in and took over my place , he didn't like it where he was 3 miles down the rd so he left and owner knew he couldn't keep him from perching on my chimney so he left him for me to care for which now has turned into more then work then I ever thought but its manageable until I call a zookeeper to come get em all, actually I have a heart condition and not a good one so in case I do drop dead theres 5 nice birds here gonna need a new home to take over a garage during the winter months starting Sept 1st, hunting season ! I just some real jerks around here would shoot one if given a chance, and I would end up in jail for shooting back more then likely
Older and young birds alike will stay after being penned for a couple of months and they learn where home, and food, is. When they leave for good it is usually for a reason. I had one bird leave because the **** guineas kept harassing him. Other people have reported that they have lost birds because they got spooked and scared off. Anything can and will happen, but usually for a reason.

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