Lost one to a Horned owl last night

What do you do when you lose turkeys to predators? with chickens I would coop everyone for a week until the predator moves on, but it is not possible for turkeys. I don't know what to do other than stay up all night worrying.
I've installed motion activated flood and spotlights.
I've also bought a strobe light.
They've stopped roosting and started bedding down in a thicket, so a few of the floods are pointed horizontally.
There's also a cat sized live trap set out in the yard.
Most of the polts are bunking with the ducks in a coop that is constructed like a small office building.
Lost another last night.
It seems that the motion floodlights were keeping them at bay, but for some reason the rain interfered with the sensors.
The side of the yard with the strobelights has never experienced a loss, so I will redistribute those towards the pen.
Sorry for your loss! My neighbors played horse shoes until dark and now my electric fence has quit working.I can't help but if they sabotaged it as they were drinking out there.

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