Lost power to the incubator!

Quack Addict

6 Years
Feb 18, 2013
Ty Ty, Georgia
We lost power to our incubator today while we were at work. Got home and the temp was 67 degrees. No idea how long it was out, could have been 8 hours. Put it on a emergency generator since the power is still out and it is back to normal temps. We are on day 23 on a mixed batch of duck eggs and everything was looking great when candled last night. What are the chances we lost them all?
Great news here. We got up this morning and five of the seven have external pips. One is even mostly zipped with a not of fluff coming out of the crack! Very exciting since it is our first hatch!
Two so far and more working at it!
Just to update this thread, we had a 100% hatch rate! Not bad for the first run on a homemade incubator that lost power for eight hours!
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