Lost Scout

"When I go, I usually take Half Peak Pass." David replied and shrugged, looking ahead of them as they left Wedmore. He looked to Anwir, then to Charles then back to the road ahead "It is easiest." He finished the thought and urged his horse to a trot. That was the most traveled road into and out of Camden. He knew of other ways in, but wasn't sure they should try for any of those with Charles still recovering from his ordeal.
Anwir matched David's pace, and nodded slightly at the mans answer, then said, "That is a safe way, but if you wish to make it there long before night fall, I would suggest taking Branwen's Cutoff, it is much less travailed, but much faster, I have went that way myself on many occasions. It is still clear, but will not be passable in deep winter."
David looked to Anwir with a confused look then looked to the road ahead again. After a while he nodded "Speed is important to this mission" He said then looked to Charles before looking to Anwin again and motioning ahead "Lead the way then"
Anwir nodded with a slight smile, then took the lead. A mile or so later, he pointed off to there left, "There is our shortcut," The trail he indicated blended well with it's surroundings, with parts of it being over grown, but it was heading in the right direction. Anwir looked to Charles and David, "It cuts through the mountain, instead of travailing with the bends and low-points of it." He added reassuringly.
David looked to the trail then to Aniwin and Charles. He looked to the main road again then to the overgrown path "This had better be faster" He said and turned his horse tot he path with a sigh.
Gomez approached the cage and stood in roughly the same spot that he had occupied the day before. He tipped his head to the side and eyed Aelfric greedily, a smirk spreading across his thin lips. "I slept mightily as well... the evening air was chilly and crisp, but not us. Your woman throws some heat, I'm afraid we had to ditch some of the... non-essentials... if you know what I mean."

Aelfric scowled, not sure if he wanted Gomez's statement to be true or not. Either way, he wanted nothing more than to wipe that disgusting smirk off the creature's face. "What do you want?" he asked, stepping close to the bars of the cage. If Gomez would but step just a few inches closer...
As they rode, Charles debated what to do. But he could not think of a way to alert David to Anwir's involvement with the orcs without outing himself as well. And so he said nothing as they took Branwen's Cutoff and cursed himself for not petitioning Lord Octa for a weapon.

He kept his horse last in line, wanting to at least keep an eye on Anwir.
Anwir lead them further and further up the narrow, winding path hugging the side of the mountain. Around midday, they rounded the corner to the right and a cliff rose high up in front of them, "Look there," Anwir said, pointing to an opening in the rock, "That is our path, it cuts through the mountain, and comes out on the other side. From there, it is only a few miles easy ride to Camden, we should be there within an hour, maybe two." He smiled and dismounted, then added, "But we will have to walk the horses, only until we reach the other side though."

David looked to the path then nodded and dismounted his horse, holding the reins . He glanced to Charles then back to Anwir "Lead on" He said and moved to follow him down the path, his eyes travelling along the mountainsides as they rose above the group. He had no reason not to believe the man, but had a bad feeling about this path.
Anwir nodded to David then started down the narrow, and winding path, walking carefully as to not slip on any loose stones. After about twenty minutes, the path turned sharply to the right, and opened up slightly, "Oh no, this can't be!" Anwir exclaimed as the blocked, boulder filled path came into view. It was impassible, and Anwir laughed on the inside, he had known all along that Branwen's Cutoff had caved in during the last heavy rains. He also knew that it would now take them at least, two or more hours longer to reach Camden...

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