Loud duck!


Nov 19, 2019
Hello, new here! I have had 3 ducks, a male and 2 females. I lost a female about 3 years and have had the male and female for about 5 yrs total. Just about a month ago we lost our male. Since then my female had been very quiet, just depressed which was very unusual for her. We decided she might need a new friend so we got a new female. Since then she screams all the time, puffs up and seems very defensive like they do when they have ducklings. We think it may be the new duck, who does nothing to her or anything, but then we find them snuggling at night sleeping. She’s very obnoxious and we are afraid our neighbors will start to be unhappy. Any advice is appreciated!
Hi there and welcome to BYC, the most quackadelic place on the web. :frow

How old is the new duck? Did you do a "see but not touch" introduction period? How long have they been together?

Hopefully shine if the folks here can help find out what bothering little missy. What breed is she? I know my Pekin ladies can be very obnoxious.
I agree, quarantine and see no touch should have been used. I use a dog crate for quarantine and if they seem fine I introduce. Took my mallard almost 2 weeks for her to warm up to the pekins, I suggest adding more to the flock. They'll also need to work out who is higher in the pecking order. When did you get them? I'd let them be and settle them in for a while. How old is the new duck?
Unfortunately ducks are just loud. I have six ducks at home 5 of which are female and quack all the livelong day. I have neighbors right next to me and I have never had any complains about them.
I understand they are loud but I’ve had her for 5 years and only heard small clucks here and there. Now it’s non stop squawking.
I agree, quarantine and see no touch should have been used. I use a dog crate for quarantine and if they seem fine I introduce. Took my mallard almost 2 weeks for her to warm up to the pekins, I suggest adding more to the flock. They'll also need to work out who is higher in the pecking order. When did you get them? I'd let them be and settle them in for a while. How old is the new duck?
We’ve had the loud one for 5 yrs and she’s never acted like this. The new one we are unsure of her age. We’re trying to let them be but it’s nonstop squawking for hours!
Hi there and welcome to BYC, the most quackadelic place on the web. :frow

How old is the new duck? Did you do a "see but not touch" introduction period? How long have they been together?

Hopefully shine if the folks here can help find out what bothering little missy. What breed is she? I know my Pekin ladies can be very obnoxious.
She is a pekin, they both are. I’ve had the loud one for 5 years, the new one we’ve had over a week. This is just a new behavior we haven’t seen in 5 yrs. she has never acted like this
She is a pekin, they both are. I’ve had the loud one for 5 years, the new one we’ve had over a week. This is just a new behavior we haven’t seen in 5 yrs. she has never acted like this
When I introduced my mallard to the pekins she was VERY loud for days, until my 2 boys realized she was boss :lau. It took about a month or less for them to figure things out, it takes time so I suggest waiting.:old
Are they hurting each other? Are they eating and drinking? Are their Pooh normal? Ok, these ducks just went through big change. They are simple creatures, she had two friends, then none..now you picked this hen..she’s not willing to share her stuff and space yet...I’m sure they sleep together because that’s what animals tend to do...they only have each other, but once she’s full of energy, she’s back at the noise....it’s going to take time. Any new pet introducing takes time. Hopefully her noise level will go way back down to where it always was before, but, perhaps not as quiet, because ducks are by nature noisey. But, my feeling is that she just needs time to adjust. Things that help bring new ducks together includes feed out of your hand together...is it warm where you are...do they have a big pond or a little pool...anyway...small shared spaces help them see that sharing isn’t so bad. Keep us posted..and patient:)

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