"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

It's going to be really important to figure out how and why the dog got out and make sure the owners do their absolute best now that the dog has learned where all of the fun is to be had. If it gets out again I am willing to bet it will make a beeline for your property.
It's going to be really important to figure out how and why the dog got out and make sure the owners do their absolute best now that the dog has learned where all of the fun is to be had. If it gets out again I am willing to bet it will make a beeline for your property. :mad:

Yes it will bet on that. Maybe put some shock wire up where he entered the yard. It is the owners responsibility to keep their animal under control and restrained on a leash when they leave their yard!
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Disturbing Story and Pics. Do not look if you have a weak stomach.

Not so good morning Peeps. A little drama over at my place. Yesterday morning, I walked out to the chicken yard before going to work and I noticed that turkey feathers were all over the place by the gate (before you walk into the chicken yard). I walked around but I didn't find any bodies or injured turkey. So, I went to work with the thought that I would review my camera surveillance tapes when I got back from work. So, I went to work and came back last night and started feeding my animals. While, i was in the chicken yard, my neighbors (that live on the side of me) for 40 years came over carrying a dead turkey. When I saw the turkey, I knew it was the turkey who had the missing feathers. My neighbor told me that they found the turkey on the side road next to my house. I explained to my neighbor about the feathers and I had not had a chance to look at the tape to see what happened. My poor turkey hen was mutilated. I wanted to cry but I was so upset at whatever did this. I immediately stop doing what I was doing and I went inside and sat down in front of the camera monitor. As I replayed the tape from 2-6-2014, I saw happy birds running and walking around the yard. Then I saw everyone take off and start flying around like crazy. I slowed the tape down and I saw the predator. My neighbors dog that lives across the street (not the neighbors that brought over my dead turkey) but other neighbors, got out of his pen, ran across the street, almost got hit by 2 cars and ran into my yard. He got a duck hen first. She was grazing and was startled by him, so she wasn't able to fly away. He "played" with her for about a minute and she tried to get away 2 times but was too injured to fly away. He finished the kill and ran around looking for his next play toy. He then got the turkey hen. He cornered her by the gate and she was not able to fly away. He ripped her feathers out and killed her. Then he ran around looking for his next play toy. He was in my yard less than 5 minutes and killed 2 birds and injured 1 tom turkey. I found the Tom on his side and was not able to get up. I brought him inside and trying to see exactly what is wrong with him. To see my animals being killed and not being able to do anything about it made me feel so helpless. I was outraged at what I was looking at.

I am soooooooooooooo mad right now. I had to call down last night. I didn't go over there last night. I decided to wait until this morning giving me time to calm down. I knocked on their door but no answer. I came back home and wrote them a letter letting them know what happened. I walked over and put it in their mailbox. Their mailbox was full of mail and the box for the newspaper had a couple newspapers in it making it appear that they have been out of town. On the letter, I told them to come over when they got the letter so that we can discuss what happened. If and when they come over (and I hope for their sakes, they come over when they make it back to town) that they don't give me any lip cause then the "Devil's Daughter" will emerge from hiding. If that happens, then I'm sure I will be arrested today because I know my limitations (my temper and my ability to use words to cut a person like a knife and rip their hearts out and make them wish they were dead in a coffin). They really are good neighbors and I have absolutely no complaints about them. I know they have a terrier and I think a border collie and they stay penned up in their back yard. They rarely get out but they have gotten out a time or two and I did take pictures of the dog in my garage.

This is the first time I have had a predator attack and it's a DOG !!!!!!!! Not a coyote or fox or raccoon or any other predator. A DOG !!! The worst kind because it's a game for them. Although I hate that any of my birds were killed but A TURKEY and A DUCK. There is no money that can pay for the loss of my turkey and duck and my tom if he doesn't make it. I'm at a loss for words right now.

Will keep everyone posted on the face to face meeting. I hope it goes well. If not, stayed tuned for the evening and nightly local news. If they say that a lady was arrested for assault in Opelousas, that will be me.

I'm thankful that the little devil didn't kill any more animals and I'm thankful that I went shopping on Black Friday last year and bought my camera surveillance system on sale. I advise everyone get one. If I wouldn't have had this camera recording, I would have NEVER EVER EVER known that the neighbor's dog killed my birds and they wouldn't know either.

Pics of my dead turkey girl.

Oh my goodness...I am SO SORRY!! I have no words.
My husband and boys went to a movie this afternoon. That NEVER happens...I decided to stay at home and clean stalls and do horses in peace. My brother in law came over to use a saw. I talked to him for a minute and said if he needed anything to help himself, or let me know. I had just let the girls out to roam, when I hear my BIL honk his car horn. I go over and he's white as a sheet and says he doesn't feel so good. I get him some water and an aspirn and tell him he needs to lay down. He's a typical man and wants to just sit there for a minute. I run to put the girls back up, because I have a feeling I know what's coming. I ended up taking him to the emergency room. He should be fine, but they are running tests.
My husband and boys went to a movie this afternoon.  That NEVER happens...I decided to stay at home and clean stalls and do horses in peace.  My brother in law came over to use a saw.  I talked to him for a minute and said if he needed anything to help himself, or let me know.  I had just let the girls out to roam, when I hear my BIL honk his car horn.  I go over and he's white as a sheet and says he doesn't feel so good.  I get him some water and an aspirn and tell him he needs to lay down.  He's a typical man and wants to just sit there for a minute.  I run to put the girls back up, because I have a feeling I know what's coming.  I ended up taking him to the emergency room.  He should be fine, but they are running tests.

Heart attack? I hope not. Glad you were there for him. So much for a peaceful afternoon with the house to yourself. By the way I might have to do a 12 step program for Paromi! That stuff is so good!!
Ok. Here is an update to the massacre story.

I went outside to bring the Tom turkey outside to get some fresh air. After I put him in the pen and got him situated, the other Toms ran to the dog kennel pen and started pacing around it trying to get inside to beat him up. They know that he is injured and they want to finish him off so that they can take his rank. After I closed the dog kennel door, I saw the lady drive up and check her mail. So, I knew that she would get t the letter . So, I came back in and started watching TV and waited to see how long it would take for her to come over.

Well, 10 minutes later, someone knocked on the door. I looked at the security cameras and I saw that it was my neighbor. I went outside and she said that she had got the note. She went on to explain that she had let the dog out to run around and he saw all of the animals and ran across the street. She said that a friend of hers called her to tell her that he almost hit her dog. She said that she knew he had come over here. She said that she wasn't sure exactly what he did but she was waiting to talk to me to let me know.

I explained to her what happened as I saw it on the camera recording and offered her to take a look at it. She said no that she didn't need to look at the camera because she believed every word I said and she knew that her dog had come over here. She was so upset about what happened and was even more upset and angry at the dog. She said that she will only let him out when she is outside and he never runs off but this time he got in his mind to run behind the animals and he came over to my house. She said that her husband was not home when the incident happened and she was glad that he wasn't because her husband would have whipped the dog (She said something else but I can't type what she said he would have done to the dog.). :oops: She was VERY nice and apologetic and sympathetic about the entire situation. I explained to her that when I saw the mutilated turkey, I thought it was some kinda of hawk attack or something else but little did I know it was a dog. I showed her the dead turkey and she was so upset about it. I told her that if I would have not had cameras, I would have never known.

I didn't even say anything about money. SHE bought it up. She said that whatever they owe, just let her know and they will pay for all of the damage. Because she was so nice and so genuine and honest and forthcoming about everything, I know that it was an unfortunate incident. After talking to her, I told her that I would accept $100.00 for the damage. I told her the cost of me losing them is way more than $100.00 but because it was a one time incident, I wouldn't make them pay any more than that. I told her that I sell my turkey hens for $75.00 and the duck hens for $25.00, so that is all I would ask them to pay. I explained that I hope my Tom Turkey makes it because he is my #1 breeder and without him, I am done for the year. She apologized again and said that when her husband gets home, they will pay me for the damage.

It went better than I thought and that's because she came over as soon as I saw her get the note. Like I said, they are great neighbors and I have NEVER had a problem with them EVER and I do want to continue to have a good relationship with them.

Earlier I had gone outside and did a head count of the number of turkeys that I have. I have 11 turkey hens and 7 toms, which is plenty. Even if this tom doesn't make it and it will be a terrible lost because he is a handsome and healthy boy, it will be great lost but I still have his offspring and they will be great breeders next year and in the future. I still have 2 older male turkeys who can be my breeders for this year and that's enough to go around to breed my girls. And we all know everything hatches over here because of the high fertility. As far as the duck hens, I can't even begin to count how many female ducks I have. It may be close to 80 duck hens, so 1 lost won't be too much of a set back.

So, I looked at it that way and this was my deciding factor on the $100.00 for the turkey and the duck, in addition to the tips and suggestions you all gave me.

So, the conversation ended well. I don't think it will happen again. She said that she won't be letting him about ever again to run around.

So that's about it folks.

Thanks for the thoughts and support everyone. I really appreciate that.
It's going to be really important to figure out how and why the dog got out and make sure the owners do their absolute best now that the dog has learned where all of the fun is to be had. If it gets out again I am willing to bet it will make a beeline for your property. :mad:

Yes you are right. I hope it never happens again because as you said, he will come back to the play ground at my house.
Ok. Here is an update to the massacre story.

I went outside to bring the Tom turkey outside to get some fresh air. After I put him in the pen and got him situated, the other Toms ran to the dog kennel pen and started pacing around it trying to get inside to beat him up. They know that he is injured and they want to finish him off so that they can take his rank. After I closed the dog kennel door, I saw the lady drive up and check her mail. So, I knew that she would get t the letter . So, I came back in and started watching TV and waited to see how long it would take for her to come over.

Well, 10 minutes later, someone knocked on the door. I looked at the security cameras and I saw that it was my neighbor. I went outside and she said that she had got the note. She went on to explain that she had let the dog out to run around and he saw all of the animals and ran across the street. She said that a friend of hers called her to tell her that he almost hit her dog. She said that she knew he had come over here. She said that she wasn't sure exactly what he did but she was waiting to talk to me to let me know.

I explained to her what happened as I saw it on the camera recording and offered her to take a look at it. She said no that she didn't need to look at the camera because she believed every word I said and she knew that her dog had come over here. She was so upset about what happened and was even more upset and angry at the dog. She said that she will only let him out when she is outside and he never runs off but this time he got in his mind to run behind the animals and he came over to my house. She said that her husband was not home when the incident happened and she was glad that he wasn't because her husband would have whipped the dog (She said something else but I can't type what she said he would have done to the dog.).
She was VERY nice and apologetic and sympathetic about the entire situation. I explained to her that when I saw the mutilated turkey, I thought it was some kinda of hawk attack or something else but little did I know it was a dog. I showed her the dead turkey and she was so upset about it. I told her that if I would have not had cameras, I would have never known.

I didn't even say anything about money. SHE bought it up. She said that whatever they owe, just let her know and they will pay for all of the damage. Because she was so nice and so genuine and honest and forthcoming about everything, I know that it was an unfortunate incident. After talking to her, I told her that I would accept $100.00 for the damage. I told her the cost of me losing them is way more than $100.00 but because it was a one time incident, I wouldn't make them pay any more than that. I told her that I sell my turkey hens for $75.00 and the duck hens for $25.00, so that is all I would ask them to pay. I explained that I hope my Tom Turkey makes it because he is my #1 breeder and without him, I am done for the year. She apologized again and said that when her husband gets home, they will pay me for the damage.

It went better than I thought and that's because she came over as soon as I saw her get the note. Like I said, they are great neighbors and I have NEVER had a problem with them EVER and I do want to continue to have a good relationship with them.

Earlier I had gone outside and did a head count of the number of turkeys that I have. I have 11 turkey hens and 7 toms, which is plenty. Even if this tom doesn't make it and it will be a terrible lost because he is a handsome and healthy boy, it will be great lost but I still have his offspring and they will be great breeders next year and in the future. I still have 2 older male turkeys who can be my breeders for this year and that's enough to go around to breed my girls. And we all know everything hatches over here because of the high fertility. As far as the duck hens, I can't even begin to count how many female ducks I have. It may be close to 80 duck hens, so 1 lost won't be too much of a set back.

So, I looked at it that way and this was my deciding factor on the $100.00 for the turkey and the duck, in addition to the tips and suggestions you all gave me.

So, the conversation ended well. I don't think it will happen again. She said that she won't be letting him about ever again to run around.

So that's about it folks.

Thanks for the thoughts and support everyone. I really appreciate that.

At least you have understanding neighbors willing to own up to their pets damage. It is very unfortunate it happened and your birds had to loose their lives so horrifically, but at least they aren't the kind of people that don't give a fart. Hopefully her actions will be as sound as her words and she will keep the dog reigned in now that she knows what he is capable of. That's the worst part about keeping livestock is someday something is going to get something you have even if you try to be very careful. You never want it to and you hope it won't but there's only so much you can control. At least you had the cameras and were able to know exactly what happened. If you hadn't found out it was a dog attack so quickly then the neighbors wouldn't know they have a bird killer and it would have been much more likely to happen again, maybe worse the next time. You handled the situation with a calm head and maturity I don't know if I would have been able to reach with grief and fire in my belly with the situation.
Ok. Here is an update to the massacre story.

I went outside to bring the Tom turkey outside to get some fresh air. After I put him in the pen and got him situated, the other Toms ran to the dog kennel pen and started pacing around it trying to get inside to beat him up. They know that he is injured and they want to finish him off so that they can take his rank. After I closed the dog kennel door, I saw the lady drive up and check her mail. So, I knew that she would get t the letter . So, I came back in and started watching TV and waited to see how long it would take for her to come over.

Well, 10 minutes later, someone knocked on the door. I looked at the security cameras and I saw that it was my neighbor. I went outside and she said that she had got the note. She went on to explain that she had let the dog out to run around and he saw all of the animals and ran across the street. She said that a friend of hers called her to tell her that he almost hit her dog. She said that she knew he had come over here. She said that she wasn't sure exactly what he did but she was waiting to talk to me to let me know.

I explained to her what happened as I saw it on the camera recording and offered her to take a look at it. She said no that she didn't need to look at the camera because she believed every word I said and she knew that her dog had come over here. She was so upset about what happened and was even more upset and angry at the dog. She said that she will only let him out when she is outside and he never runs off but this time he got in his mind to run behind the animals and he came over to my house. She said that her husband was not home when the incident happened and she was glad that he wasn't because her husband would have whipped the dog (She said something else but I can't type what she said he would have done to the dog.). :oops: She was VERY nice and apologetic and sympathetic about the entire situation. I explained to her that when I saw the mutilated turkey, I thought it was some kinda of hawk attack or something else but little did I know it was a dog. I showed her the dead turkey and she was so upset about it. I told her that if I would have not had cameras, I would have never known.

I didn't even say anything about money. SHE bought it up. She said that whatever they owe, just let her know and they will pay for all of the damage. Because she was so nice and so genuine and honest and forthcoming about everything, I know that it was an unfortunate incident. After talking to her, I told her that I would accept $100.00 for the damage. I told her the cost of me losing them is way more than $100.00 but because it was a one time incident, I wouldn't make them pay any more than that. I told her that I sell my turkey hens for $75.00 and the duck hens for $25.00, so that is all I would ask them to pay. I explained that I hope my Tom Turkey makes it because he is my #1 breeder and without him, I am done for the year. She apologized again and said that when her husband gets home, they will pay me for the damage.

It went better than I thought and that's because she came over as soon as I saw her get the note. Like I said, they are great neighbors and I have NEVER had a problem with them EVER and I do want to continue to have a good relationship with them.

Earlier I had gone outside and did a head count of the number of turkeys that I have. I have 11 turkey hens and 7 toms, which is plenty. Even if this tom doesn't make it and it will be a terrible lost because he is a handsome and healthy boy, it will be great lost but I still have his offspring and they will be great breeders next year and in the future. I still have 2 older male turkeys who can be my breeders for this year and that's enough to go around to breed my girls. And we all know everything hatches over here because of the high fertility. As far as the duck hens, I can't even begin to count how many female ducks I have. It may be close to 80 duck hens, so 1 lost won't be too much of a set back.

So, I looked at it that way and this was my deciding factor on the $100.00 for the turkey and the duck, in addition to the tips and suggestions you all gave me.

So, the conversation ended well. I don't think it will happen again. She said that she won't be letting him about ever again to run around.

So that's about it folks.

Thanks for the thoughts and support everyone. I really appreciate that.

I'm glad that it had as positive a result as possible. I'm glad she "stepped up". I know that doesn't "fix" things, but it's good that she took responsibility. Just remember, you ARE fertile acres. Your Tom will get better and go on to "fertile the acres".

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