"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"


Yes you are right. I think with her coming over immediately and being honest and owning up to what happened made it easier for me to deal with it, so I made it less harsh on them. I hope that this has been a learning lesson for her and she won't ever let the dog out to run around. Besides, their dogs have a LARGE area to run around in their back yard. It's not as if they are contained to a small run.

I know how hot headed I can get and I know what level I CAN go to, so I knew that it wasn't in my best interest to allow myself to get upset. And besides, I have a clear criminal record and I didn't want to get a simple battery or assault charge. :oops:

I'm so proud to know you. You really handled this whole thing so well. Not many people could have held so much in and approach it like you did.
Ok. Here is an update to the massacre story.

I went outside to bring the Tom turkey outside to get some fresh air. After I put him in the pen and got him situated, the other Toms ran to the dog kennel pen and started pacing around it trying to get inside to beat him up. They know that he is injured and they want to finish him off so that they can take his rank. After I closed the dog kennel door, I saw the lady drive up and check her mail. So, I knew that she would get t the letter . So, I came back in and started watching TV and waited to see how long it would take for her to come over.

Well, 10 minutes later, someone knocked on the door. I looked at the security cameras and I saw that it was my neighbor. I went outside and she said that she had got the note. She went on to explain that she had let the dog out to run around and he saw all of the animals and ran across the street. She said that a friend of hers called her to tell her that he almost hit her dog. She said that she knew he had come over here. She said that she wasn't sure exactly what he did but she was waiting to talk to me to let me know.

I explained to her what happened as I saw it on the camera recording and offered her to take a look at it. She said no that she didn't need to look at the camera because she believed every word I said and she knew that her dog had come over here. She was so upset about what happened and was even more upset and angry at the dog. She said that she will only let him out when she is outside and he never runs off but this time he got in his mind to run behind the animals and he came over to my house. She said that her husband was not home when the incident happened and she was glad that he wasn't because her husband would have whipped the dog (She said something else but I can't type what she said he would have done to the dog.). :oops: She was VERY nice and apologetic and sympathetic about the entire situation. I explained to her that when I saw the mutilated turkey, I thought it was some kinda of hawk attack or something else but little did I know it was a dog. I showed her the dead turkey and she was so upset about it. I told her that if I would have not had cameras, I would have never known.

I didn't even say anything about money. SHE bought it up. She said that whatever they owe, just let her know and they will pay for all of the damage. Because she was so nice and so genuine and honest and forthcoming about everything, I know that it was an unfortunate incident. After talking to her, I told her that I would accept $100.00 for the damage. I told her the cost of me losing them is way more than $100.00 but because it was a one time incident, I wouldn't make them pay any more than that. I told her that I sell my turkey hens for $75.00 and the duck hens for $25.00, so that is all I would ask them to pay. I explained that I hope my Tom Turkey makes it because he is my #1 breeder and without him, I am done for the year. She apologized again and said that when her husband gets home, they will pay me for the damage.

It went better than I thought and that's because she came over as soon as I saw her get the note. Like I said, they are great neighbors and I have NEVER had a problem with them EVER and I do want to continue to have a good relationship with them.

Earlier I had gone outside and did a head count of the number of turkeys that I have. I have 11 turkey hens and 7 toms, which is plenty. Even if this tom doesn't make it and it will be a terrible lost because he is a handsome and healthy boy, it will be great lost but I still have his offspring and they will be great breeders next year and in the future. I still have 2 older male turkeys who can be my breeders for this year and that's enough to go around to breed my girls. And we all know everything hatches over here because of the high fertility. As far as the duck hens, I can't even begin to count how many female ducks I have. It may be close to 80 duck hens, so 1 lost won't be too much of a set back.

So, I looked at it that way and this was my deciding factor on the $100.00 for the turkey and the duck, in addition to the tips and suggestions you all gave me.

So, the conversation ended well. I don't think it will happen again. She said that she won't be letting him about ever again to run around.

So that's about it folks.

Thanks for the thoughts and support everyone. I really appreciate that.

Phew. What a relief. A terrible neighbor would have just made it worse and worse. I just pray for your tom and peace to return to your home and farm. I just don't know how to tell you how sorry I am for this tragedy.

I question anyone that would discipline a dog hours or days after an event. That is just cruel. That dog would learn nothing except that people are suddenly abusive without reason. I hope that doesn't happen. I pray they just devote themselves to being responsible dog owners. Sounds like they will.

You're right about a terrible neighbor and I didn't want it to turn into them being terrible neighbors, so that's why I remained calm. I knew that I have to live across from these people and I ain't going nowhere and they probably aren't either. I have been on this property for 45 years. We were 1 of the first families on this street. They came later on in the year 2000.

I hope they don't abuse the dog either. When she said that, I then explained to her that a dog will be a dog and it was a game to him and he didn't realize what he was doing. Not sure if she caught on to what I was saying.

My tom is resting outside in the dog kennel by himself . I will try my best to get him back to his old self. He can't walk now but I hope he can get to moving around soon.

I hope that they dog doesn't find his way back over to my house cause I"m not sure what will happen then.

Yes you are right. I think with her coming over immediately and being honest and owning up to what happened made it easier for me to deal with it, so I made it less harsh on them. I hope that this has been a learning lesson for her and she won't ever let the dog out to run around. Besides, their dogs have a LARGE area to run around in their back yard. It's not as if they are contained to a small run.

I know how hot headed I can get and I know what level I CAN go to, so I knew that it wasn't in my best interest to allow myself to get upset. And besides, I have a clear criminal record and I didn't want to get a simple battery or assault charge. :oops:

I'm so proud to know you. You really handled this whole thing so well. Not many people could have held so much in and approach it like you did.

Thank you.

I'll have to make sure I tell my psychiatrist that I didn't get the matches and burn anything down. :oops: :lol:
Yes you are right. I hope it never happens again because as you said, he will come back to the play ground at my house.

I'm glad they were upstanding neighbors.The only thing That ticks me off is the dog just did what untrained dogs will do. They are at fault for not traing their dog.Not going to find the dog when he ran off.
They are mad at the dog they need to look in the mirror . Sorry just had to get that off my chest. I'm glad y'all worked it out. It's good y'all have to coexist.

Welcome farmeroak to the La-yers.

Cracked nut I see you need to do a program with me!!! I want to try all the flavors too. I'm glad you were able to get your BIL to the hospital if he's anything like Ron he has to be on deaths door step to get him to the doctor.

I have a feeling we'll run into each other at fresh market one day :lau
I'm glad they were upstanding neighbors.The only thing That ticks me off is the dog just did what untrained dogs will do. They are at fault for not traing their dog.Not going to find the dog when he ran off.
They are mad at the dog they need to look in the mirror . Sorry just had to get that off my chest. I'm glad y'all worked it out. It's good y'all have to coexist.

Welcome farmeroak to the La-yers.

Cracked nut I see you need to do a program with me!!! I want to try all the flavors too. I'm glad you were able to get your BIL to the hospital if he's anything like Ron he has to be on deaths door step to get him to the doctor.

I have a feeling we'll run into each other at fresh market one day
I think my BIL got himself even more worked up when he started not feeling well. I was trying to get him to calm down and focus on something, trying to get him to relax.

This Paromi tea thing, is not too bad a habit. It's gotten a little expensive, but I guess there are worse things. At least it's a semi-healthy habbit.
I think we should all burn a SMALL fire today in honor of kuntrygirl. She handled a difficult situation with kindness and grace. Thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery for your Tom.

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