"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I hate this weather. The warm weather has come a day too late at my place.

One of my muscovy hens hatched her babies on yesterday morning while I was gone. She had made her nest in the same bush in front of the house that everyone uses every year. After they hatched, she brought them out in the rain and cold. They all froze to death. She hatched 12 of them. I am so sad and I know that she is as well. They dead bodies were by ro close to their usual spot at he chicken gate waiting on me to get home to open the gate.

I hate this cold weather!!!

Sorry about your loss. She was trying to show them off and didn't know this year was going to be so weird for the weather. Is there any way you can have her adopt something so she is not too put off from brooding again?
I was trying to think of some everyday expressions that come from chickens:

1. Pecking order

2. Flew the coop

3. Cooped up

4. Birds of a feather flock together

5. Don't count your chickens before they hatch

6. What came first, the chicken or the egg?

7. Rules the roost

8. Hen pecked

9. Gets up with the chickens

10. Goes to bed with the chickens

11. ??????

Any ideas?

Chicken Math. :lau


Hen Sayings
Hen house - large number of females living in the same house
Mother hen - very protective
Madder than a wet settin' hen - very angry
Fussing like an old hen - angry
Work as hard as a hen hauling wood- hard working
Hen cackle – to laugh
Laid an egg – failed
Feeling like Henny Penny – one person doing all the work
Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow - a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
A hen that struts like a rooster is often invited for dinner - pride goeth before the fall
Scarce as hen's teeth - extremely hard to find
Long long ago, when chickens had teeth - once apon a time
Chick - young girl or teenager
Roosters (get no respect!) Sayings
Hen-pecked - nagged
The rooster may crow but the hen delivers the goods.
The rooster may crow, but this hen lays the egg!
The rooster may rule the roost but the hen rules the rooster.
The rooster makes all the noise, but the hen rules the roost!
Rooster games - willing to fight instead of trying to work out a problem.

Chicken Behavior Descriptions
Flew the coop - gone
Up with the chickens - waking early with the sunrise.
Going to bed with the chickens - going to bed early in the evening.
Walking on eggshells- treading softly where certain people are concerned; trying not to upset someone
Like a chicken with it's head cut off - running around with no direction
Like a head with it's chicken cut off - depressed
Shake a tail feather - get moving
Strutting' your stuff - Showing off
Strutting around like a banty rooster - showing off
Bird brain - senseless
Dumb cluck - senseless
You're chicken! - being afraid
Sunny side up - cheerful attitude
Hard-boiled - tough attitude
Over easy - soft inside
Chicken out - not follow through
That just flaps my wattles - when something annoys you
Ruffle your feathers - something annoys you
Chicken hearted - Not brave
Chickens have come home to roost - the past is catching up with you
No spring chicken - you're old. Plain and simple.
Like a banty on a june bug - all over you
Hatch an idea - put a plan into motion
Egg on your face - caught in an untruth
Put up a squawk - argue over something
Squawking - putting up a fuss
Rule the Roost - to be the boss
Pecking order - finding your place
Cock of the walk - to be the boss
Do chickens have lips? - dumb question gets a dumb answer
Play Chicken - a stand off, who will give first
Something to crow about - exciting news to tell
Brood over it - to worry; to hover over a problem
Chicken scratch - poor handwriting
Stick your neck out - go to bat for someone else
Stuck in your craw - upset about something and won't verbalize what's going on inside you; carrying a grudge.
Cock sure - to brag
Bad egg - less than honest person; poor moral standards
In a stew - got yourself in trouble
Neither chick nor child - a childless and/or petless person
Raise your hackle feathers - visibly annoyed
Cock and bull story - tall tales and elaborate lies
Nesting behavior- preparing a home (especially pregnant women just before a baby is due)
Empty nest syndrome - depression and loneliness when children leave home
Made from scratch - made from raw materials by hand
Making chicken salad out of chicken poop - able to cobble together things without many supplies or efforts
Chickenhawks - politicians who are pro-war but declined to participate themselves
Chicken lights - tractor trailor running lights
Tastes like Chicken - to describe the taste f any number of other meats
Use everything but the crow - use it up and wear it out; made due with what you have.
hatching rooster eggs - wasting time and/or resources

Chicken Parts
Pope's nose / parson's nose / dashboard - The chicken butt - the boney protrusion where the oil gland and tail feathers are located.
Cock-eyed - turned or twisted toward one side
feet-n-feathers - the whole thing
Quotable Chicken Quotes
- “A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg.” - Samuel Butler
- “I want there to be no peasant in my kingdom so poor that he cannot have a chicken in his pot every Sunday” - Henry IV
- “The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.” - unknown
- "Chicken one day, feathers the next” - unknown
- “We can see a thousand miracles around us every day. What is more supernatural than an egg yolk turning into a chicken?” - S. Parkes Cadman
- "Business is never so healthy as when, like a chicken, it must do a certain amount of scratching for what it gets” - Henry Ford
- "Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.” - Chuck Palahniuk
- "Religion is no more the parent of morality than an incubator is the mother of a chicken.” - Lemuel K. Washburn
- "I'll change you from a rooster to a hen with one shot!" Dolly Parton's character in 9 to 5 movie
- "Regard it as just as desirable to build a chicken house as to build a cathedral.” - Frank Lloyd Wright
- "Love, like a chicken salad a restaurant has, must be taken with blind faith or it loses its flavor” - Helen Rowland
- "It is better to be the head of chicken than the rear end of an ox” - Japanese Proverb quotes
-"Ain't nobody here but us chickens" - Song lyrics, Louis Jordan
-"The Sky is falling!" - Chicken Little, childrens fable
- "Boys, I may not know much, but I know chicken poop from chicken salad.” - Lyndon B. Johnson
- “The difference between 'involvement' and 'commitment' is like an eggs-and-ham breakfast: the chicken was 'involved' - the pig was 'committed'.”
- "A chicken in every pot" - 1928 Republican Party campaign slogan
- Don't have a pot to put it in - 1928 Democratic Party response slogan
- It's a chicken and egg situation - Which came first?



I hate this weather. The warm weather has come a day too late at my place.

One of my muscovy hens hatched her babies on yesterday morning while I was gone. She had made her nest in the same bush in front of the house that everyone uses every year. After they hatched, she brought them out in the rain and cold. They all froze to death. She hatched 12 of them. I am so sad and I know that she is as well. They dead bodies were by ro close to their usual spot at he chicken gate waiting on me to get home to open the gate. :hit

I hate this cold weather!!!

Sorry about your loss. She was trying to show them off and didn't know this year was going to be so weird for the weather. Is there any way you can have her adopt something so she is not too put off from brooding again?


Nothing that she can adopt. She has disappeared into the crowd of 100+ ducks, so I don't even know which one it is. Poor baby brooded for 35 days and walks away with nothing. It was a perfect hatch. :( I have others that are setting on eggs and I'm scared the same thing will happen. And there is NO way to move a (well let's just say - MY) broody ducks unless I want to go to the ER for severe injuries, cuts and bruises. They will rip me a new one.
I hate this weather. The warm weather has come a day too late at my place.

One of my muscovy hens hatched her babies on yesterday morning while I was gone. She had made her nest in the same bush in front of the house that everyone uses every year. After they hatched, she brought them out in the rain and cold. They all froze to death. She hatched 12 of them. I am so sad and I know that she is as well. They dead bodies were by ro close to their usual spot at he chicken gate waiting on me to get home to open the gate.

I hate this cold weather!!!

I'm so sorry.
Poor little mama. Maybe she'll try again.
As I type this, one of Angel's fresh chickens is baking in my oven. Yum!!! Looking real good. I got two. SO I called my daughter and asked her, "do you want a fresh, no chemicals, never frozen chicken that was processed a couple of days ago." She said "no". I thought I had heard wrong. I said, why not?? She asked,"does it have a head or feet or anything else that makes it look like a chicken?" No, it's even packaged with a label. "You would rather a Walmart chicken full of chemicals and antibiotics living half sick in squaller killed months ago and frozen?" So, she said she would try it. Hey, don't do me any favors, I am happy to keep this precious heathy fresh chicken. So, I gave it to her. Man!!!! That shocked me. My own daughter.

Inglewood is offering some of their old layers as "stewing hens" for $7 each starting Saturday for the first time. Finally getting on the bandwagon. I think it'll be more of a success than they realize yet.

Hen Sayings
Hen house - large number of females living in the same house
Mother hen - very protective
Madder than a wet settin' hen - very angry
Fussing like an old hen - angry
Work as hard as a hen hauling wood- hard working
Hen cackle – to laugh
Laid an egg – failed
Feeling like Henny Penny – one person doing all the work
Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow - a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
A hen that struts like a rooster is often invited for dinner - pride goeth before the fall
Scarce as hen's teeth - extremely hard to find
Long long ago, when chickens had teeth - once apon a time
Chick - young girl or teenager
Roosters (get no respect!) Sayings
Hen-pecked - nagged
The rooster may crow but the hen delivers the goods.
The rooster may crow, but this hen lays the egg!
The rooster may rule the roost but the hen rules the rooster.
The rooster makes all the noise, but the hen rules the roost!
Rooster games - willing to fight instead of trying to work out a problem.

Chicken Behavior Descriptions
Flew the coop - gone
Up with the chickens - waking early with the sunrise.
Going to bed with the chickens - going to bed early in the evening.
Walking on eggshells- treading softly where certain people are concerned; trying not to upset someone
Like a chicken with it's head cut off - running around with no direction
Like a head with it's chicken cut off - depressed
Shake a tail feather - get moving
Strutting' your stuff - Showing off
Strutting around like a banty rooster - showing off
Bird brain - senseless
Dumb cluck - senseless
You're chicken! - being afraid
Sunny side up - cheerful attitude
Hard-boiled - tough attitude
Over easy - soft inside
Chicken out - not follow through
That just flaps my wattles - when something annoys you
Ruffle your feathers - something annoys you
Chicken hearted - Not brave
Chickens have come home to roost - the past is catching up with you
No spring chicken - you're old. Plain and simple.
Like a banty on a june bug - all over you
Hatch an idea - put a plan into motion
Egg on your face - caught in an untruth
Put up a squawk - argue over something
Squawking - putting up a fuss
Rule the Roost - to be the boss
Pecking order - finding your place
Cock of the walk - to be the boss
Do chickens have lips? - dumb question gets a dumb answer
Play Chicken - a stand off, who will give first
Something to crow about - exciting news to tell
Brood over it - to worry; to hover over a problem
Chicken scratch - poor handwriting
Stick your neck out - go to bat for someone else
Stuck in your craw - upset about something and won't verbalize what's going on inside you; carrying a grudge.
Cock sure - to brag
Bad egg - less than honest person; poor moral standards
In a stew - got yourself in trouble
Neither chick nor child - a childless and/or petless person
Raise your hackle feathers - visibly annoyed
Cock and bull story - tall tales and elaborate lies
Nesting behavior- preparing a home (especially pregnant women just before a baby is due)
Empty nest syndrome - depression and loneliness when children leave home
Made from scratch - made from raw materials by hand
Making chicken salad out of chicken poop - able to cobble together things without many supplies or efforts
Chickenhawks - politicians who are pro-war but declined to participate themselves
Chicken lights - tractor trailor running lights
Tastes like Chicken - to describe the taste f any number of other meats
Use everything but the crow - use it up and wear it out; made due with what you have.
hatching rooster eggs - wasting time and/or resources

Chicken Parts
Pope's nose / parson's nose / dashboard - The chicken butt - the boney protrusion where the oil gland and tail feathers are located.
Cock-eyed - turned or twisted toward one side
feet-n-feathers - the whole thing
Quotable Chicken Quotes
- “A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg.” - Samuel Butler
- “I want there to be no peasant in my kingdom so poor that he cannot have a chicken in his pot every Sunday” - Henry IV
- “The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.” - unknown
- "Chicken one day, feathers the next” - unknown
- “We can see a thousand miracles around us every day. What is more supernatural than an egg yolk turning into a chicken?” - S. Parkes Cadman
- "Business is never so healthy as when, like a chicken, it must do a certain amount of scratching for what it gets” - Henry Ford
- "Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.” - Chuck Palahniuk
- "Religion is no more the parent of morality than an incubator is the mother of a chicken.” - Lemuel K. Washburn
- "I'll change you from a rooster to a hen with one shot!" Dolly Parton's character in 9 to 5 movie
- "Regard it as just as desirable to build a chicken house as to build a cathedral.” - Frank Lloyd Wright
- "Love, like a chicken salad a restaurant has, must be taken with blind faith or it loses its flavor” - Helen Rowland
- "It is better to be the head of chicken than the rear end of an ox” - Japanese Proverb quotes
-"Ain't nobody here but us chickens" - Song lyrics, Louis Jordan
-"The Sky is falling!" - Chicken Little, childrens fable
- "Boys, I may not know much, but I know chicken poop from chicken salad.” - Lyndon B. Johnson
- “The difference between 'involvement' and 'commitment' is like an eggs-and-ham breakfast: the chicken was 'involved' - the pig was 'committed'.”
- "A chicken in every pot" - 1928 Republican Party campaign slogan
- Don't have a pot to put it in - 1928 Democratic Party response slogan
- It's a chicken and egg situation - Which came first?




Wow. That was cool. I am fully satisfied. I started thinking about it the other dat when I said, "she rules the roost" and realized that was just pure chicken. I think it's amazing that in our tech society so many kids know what these sayings mean but don't have a clue that they came from real chicken yard behaviors. I didn't even realize about "don't count your chickens before they hatch" until I heard so many stories on here about poor hatches. Lol
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I hate this weather. The warm weather has come a day too late at my place.

One of my muscovy hens hatched her babies on yesterday morning while I was gone. She had made her nest in the same bush in front of the house that everyone uses every year. After they hatched, she brought them out in the rain and cold. They all froze to death. She hatched 12 of them. I am so sad and I know that she is as well. They dead bodies were by ro close to their usual spot at he chicken gate waiting on me to get home to open the gate. :hit

I hate this cold weather!!!

I'm so sorry. How sad.
I hate this weather. The warm weather has come a day too late at my place.

One of my muscovy hens hatched her babies on yesterday morning while I was gone. She had made her nest in the same bush in front of the house that everyone uses every year. After they hatched, she brought them out in the rain and cold. They all froze to death. She hatched 12 of them. I am so sad and I know that she is as well. They dead bodies were by ro close to their usual spot at he chicken gate waiting on me to get home to open the gate. :hit

I hate this cold weather!!!

So sorry that's hard seeing little ones frozen!! Here's hope better days are coming your way! I'm praying tom make a miraculous recovery you need some good news.Pam

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