"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

NOT EVEN FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!
To you maybe.......
That is sneaky or sure! So more baby additions for Satans Army are on their way........
Yes, Kuntrygirl , my mom is a discourager, bless her heart. I wouldn't have even gone to college if I had listened to her. I didn't know how I was going to pay for it and work and take care of my daughter, but I knew I had to do it or stay forever below the poverty level and on food stamps. I did all of my education one semester at a time. First I would register and defer payment then work on grants to pay for it. I also knew I would not be in a position to repay student loans. I was 36 when I finished my education and my daughter was a junior in high school and I wanted to be able to pay for her college. I graduated from 8 years of higher education with a $500 debt. Unfortunately my mom kept saying I should quit and just get a full time job. What I knew is I was poor if I stayed in college and I was poor if I didn't go to college, so I knew I would continue. I never considered quitting. I was terrified of quitting. I never asked my parents for anything. What I learned early on was not to ask her opinion or even to discuss anything I was unsure of with her. Only tell her what I have already done or about to do and not listen to the negative. Sad sad. But, not to leave on a downer, my dad was a super encourager and I early on learned to make discouragement a motivator. So, that's how I became a person that is determined beyond belief to do anything you say I can't do. I actually believe I can do anything. Lol. I am totally NOT beat down. I am "woman hear me roar". Lol

my story is something the same. My mother gave me WORD encouragement, her actions spoke much louder. My dad thought I could do anything and to his definition of success (and mine) I was very successfully. To my mothers definition I was a failure. I now understand it is a matter of perspective. The sabbatical I took for myself (off the grid) was heaven and refreshing. To my mother and sister I had to be miserable and in daily torment. Any word or action of encouragement is priceless.

My dad had a warehouse that he housed his cars in, he had a full time mechanic. {His cars nearly supported themselves. He rented them out for movies, advertising and events.} My dad was working on his cars and took note of a long haired punk kid that was always hanging around. He invited him in to talk cars. A couple of year or so later the young and dad looked my dad up. The boy had changed 180deg. He told my dad he thought he had lost his son, and asked what did you do. My dad said he did nothing, but put him to work after school and weekends, in the summer after summer school. The kids father didn't understand how that could change his kid who, until he met my dad, was a drop out. My dad said to me that this kids dad would never understand. My Dad gave respect first, acceptance second, expectations third, but never ever said cut your hair, pull up my pants, go back to school.
I got a steal of a deal today. After my PT went to whole foods the broilers were 2.99 a lb thats a doller per pound off. I'm shopping when A lady comes up to me and say's she was at the one on magizine st. has the organic broilers on sale for 1.99 a lb and a extra 10 % off if you by twelve. I ask her if she's sure its the organic ones she say's yes. She tells me she comes once a month to buy her food from fla. People think I'm off my rocker to go twice a month when I'm going to metiarie. So I leave and go to the other store. It's a one day sale 1.99 a lb Chickens that run 12 to 17 dollars are 6 to7 dollars then I got 10% off on top of that. Needless to say you can hardly close my freezer.:thumbsup
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My dog has helped alert us many times, and failed to once on a bad rainy day (she was staying warm with animals and we were robbed)

I was Not a gun toting gal ten years ago, I had my knives, always around and I'm good with them. Always figured if someone attacked me they'd have to be close nuff to stab so that'd be too close to me in the eyes of the law.
Then I was attacked by a large man who easily disarmed me because he was allowed too close and I am mot very threatening looking to a big guy I guess :/

Getting my gun permits and having hubby teach me to shoot and handle a gun with ease (dang good shot too hehe) made me much less scared and feel much more prepared to be alone a lot, either at home or at work in a not so nice area. As did having different plans of action for different situations.

I carry a tazer in places I can't carry a gun and a retractable staff as well as my knives being around still, just hunkered in my boot now. Not a 1st choice.

I definitely recommend every single female learn to shoot and have a gun with a large box of ammo stashed. Probably never ever have to use it but if you ever do need one it could save you or someone else's life.
One of the few ways to stop a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy/gal with a gun and those are few and far between these days.


This is another reason I have my GSD's. 1 I love this breed. 2 They can read a strangers intent better than me. 3 They [ crazys or burglers]will pick a house without dogs. I also plan on getting a permit for consealed weapon.

I learned that lesson at 16, Long story, enough said. I like revolvers, first two rounds do not work it is probably to late. Revolvers are industrial strength, Saving for automatic. No one to help me now. Arizona is a right to carry State. I even have a little derringer. When I was in the army in 76 I learned just what I could do if I had to. (The experimental years of woman doing more they nursing and typing. First thing we were told, it was a wast of time, in a couple years woman will be back where they belonged. He was right! Look where woman are, and where we are headed. We are where we belong. Short skirts and heals to M-16A1 (do not know up to date issue) and combat boots.
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German shepard dogs
This is them at 1 year. they are 2 now. he is 100lbs she was 70lbs last check.
OOOOHHHHHHH~ Ok cool. So, ya'll think this half blue heeler half German Shepherd puppy may be okay? I have been terrified at the GS part of them being too territorial or something and killing some of my chickens!!
Lol I'd love some!

Yes I'm thin, too thin...don't be jealous
its a curse not a blessing. The fight to keep weight on has been a downhill one for me for many years now. Just these last few months I've leveled out and been able to hold on to some. It's nice, slow progress but progress nonetheless!
Well, without sounding as if I've just fell in love or something, YA LOOK GREAT! As long as your healthy, ya cant fight genetics very easily..... After 5 kids, then having quilting, crafting, sewing, and reading as my hobbies (im not admitting all the baking) I just cant get back to a healthy size. Which is sad, Doug has never seen me a decent size with sexy capabilities... poor dude. I need to just stay outside and walk around, following my chickens everywhere they go all day!!!
Oh, and Angel.... i officially am jealous.....  your seriously that thin????  You should come over... I have enough fat to make HUGE donation!!!!!!!

I love you enough to share.... i promise.....  or we could just switch bods????  Im game... anytime any day!!!  Ill even supply the pup-tents in my closet to dress yourself with!!!
we are what wen are, BUT! My daughters husband said she was fat, and meant it. When they meet she was I think 15 size 0. This is her on a visit. She managed to keep 10# on. As for her husband ..she

:smack :duc The word got back to his patents and they corrected him. As a kid she always kept candy on hand and safety pins. Now she can not keep candy on hand... With 2 kids. After the 2nd, she really tried to keep the weight..

Oh! If only I had that problem. I blame her dad, Mr. Skin and Bones. :th
It's unconfirmed, but it's being said that they found her body at the end of the road he was at.  Waiting to hear from the news if it's true.  I'm looking for the video of the standoff.  It's said that the guy claimed to be in the witness protection program and that "they" (whoever "they" are)  assassinated his girlfriend.  But, I've heard he sounds like he's definitely off his rocker in the video.
So sad and scary that this has come so close to home.  It's in a "really good" part of town.  It's funny how you feel insulated from "bad" when you're really not....

This is so very sad.

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