"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Good morning Peeps. Thank goodness it’s Friday. Not sure how much more of this week I can take. Weather is supposed to be warm and sunny. We’ll see about that. I will weighing and processing some of the broilers this weekend. I'm ready for ALL of them to be GONE!!!

I had an exciting night last night. I went out to pick eggs and I found a little visitor in the egg crate/nesting boxes that I have in the feed storage room. I walk in and I see a opossum actually eating a chicken egg. I immediately freeze in my steps because I know that I have to make a quick decision within seconds that will affect either the opossum’s present and future, my present and future and the chicken egg’s present and future. I’m thinking I know that I need to run and go and get the pellet gun but I know that as soon as I run back to the house and come back the opossum will be long gone and I won’t see him again and he will continue to come back and eat eggs. So, I decide against that. So now I have to decide how will I trap and kill this beast. While I’m thinking, it looks at me and knows that it needs to get the heck outta there. So, I see it about to make a move and try to climb out of the nesting box and begin to climb up the beams in the storage building. So, now again, I have to think VERY quickly and decide how this is about to go down. So, now my mind and body is slowly transforming into my “McGyver & Zena, The Farm Girl Warrior mode and the wheels start spinning. I look to my left and I look to my right as I am simultaneously thinking of how I will create a ground attack of the enemy, while looking for weapons that could cause some mass destruction. As I’m looking around, I’m looking for any sharp objects that can be used to take down this beast. I look to my right and I see a sickle hanging from a beam. I know the sickle is not strong enough nor is it sharp enough to take down the enemy. I continue to visually survey the scene as I look for other options. I look and I see a kerosene lamp and a lamp but I know that I can’t set it on fire because I would be setting the entire building on fire and besides that would be cruel to the poor animal. Ok, so now I spot a pitch fork and I know I can use that. I grab the pitch fork and try to position myself in a way so that I can pierce the poor critter in its side. By this time, the opossum is climbing up the beam to escape. I position myself and I pierce the pitch fork in its side. I get him in the stomach but it doesn't kill him immediately. So now I have to find a way to keep the pitch fork positioned so that the opossum doesn't get away. Although the pitch fork went through his stomach, he is still trying to escape. He is big and strong so the pitch fork is nothing for him to grab on to and move. So, now I’m trying to find a way to lock the pitch fork in a propped position so that I can try to mobilize this creature. Nothing I do is working. So, now I have to try to find something to kill it because the pitch fork will take a long time to bring it down. So, now I see a large hammer on the floor. I have to stretch and elongate my body and use my legs and toes to move the hammer towards me so that I can try to get it. I get the hammer moved to me but I can’t pick it up because I will lose a hold of the pitch fork. So now I have to re-position the pitch fork in the opossum so that it will lower down towards the ground so that I can bend down to pick up the hammer. So, I finally am able to do that and I get the hammer. So, I come up with the bright idea to use the hammer to try to push the pitch fork further into this creature. I drive the pitch fork more and more into its side but this devil is not going down. So now I have to change my thinking and try to pick up this monster and get him out of there. So, here I go again looking around and trying to find something that I can use to capture it. I see the 5 gallon feed buckets and I try to use those but the devil is not cooperating and he does not want to go in the bucket. I look around again and I see a net and I know it’s now a done deal. Again, I have to change the direction of the pitch fork so that I can stretch to get the net. I get the net and now I’m trying to capture the devil with the net. So, I get the net over the opossum and I"m ready to move to the next phase of my tactical capture. So, now I have to lift the pitch fork up to get the opossum up and outta there. Now while all of this is going on, the opossum is growling and hissing and showing his teeth. I didn't realize how scary the sounds they make really are. It was a fight and a battle but I finally got him where I wanted him. At this time, I’m scared that he will detach himself from the pitch fork and escape, so now I have to go into another mode of thinking to figure out how I can detain him. So, I look around and I find an empty feed can. I slide the can near where the predator is and I slide the opossum in the can. So now I’m relieved that the battle is finally over. At this time, I cover the trash can and I run to the house to get the pellet gun for the final ending. I get the gun and I’m back in the storage room. I give him one shot to the head and he goes stiff but not dead. I give him another shot to the head and this time he is out. Well, I think he is out but then I see some movement. So, as I get a closer look the movement that I see is not what I was expecting to see. I shined the flashlight on the opossum and I am speechless and hurt when I see babies in the MOTHER’S pouch and they are moving around. I felt so bad for the babies that I could cry. I just killed a mama opossum that had newborn babies. I had to suck up my feelings and think that the babies will grow up to be adults and they will only come back and eat the chicken eggs like their parents. Well, I knew that I didn't’ have the heart to kill the babies, so I just covered the trash can and left the mom and left the babies as they nursed on their mother.

Here are pics from my night last night. I’m really feeling terrible about those babies. This is the 2nd opossum that I have killed in the last week. I bet this is the family of opossums that my NEIGHBOR allowed to set up camp in her barn. They have since multiplied and are coming over to my yard for eggs.

Pics of babies.

Sorry for such a long story but it seemed like it took me hours dealing with this critter last night.
This would have been a great You Tube video because I know I looked like a clown during this entire time. Oh and I'm doing all of this while holding on to a large rechargeable flashiight.

Die Varmit! Die! (and babies too! I know, I am a meanie!
) Good job!
There is an organic forage blend for chickens at Grow Organic. http://www.groworganic.com/omega-3-chicken-forage-blend-irrigated.html

For those of you looking for non-GMO and organic grains or chicken feed, I order through Azure Standard. I order 50 lb bags of organic "chicken wheat" (has some broken bits) for sprouting for $17.50. They do not charge sales tax and shipping is 8.5% of your order. They have a ton of bulk items and also sell most products offered by Whole Foods, Freah Market & Trader Joes. The catch: there is no storefront. You order once per month and pick up your order at a designated drop location (planned well in advance). There are now drop locations throughout Louisiana. www.azurestandard.com . I would be happy to provide more information if anyone is interested. :)

I was recertified for the NPIP yesterday. The awesome state vets came out and did the testing in the nasty weather. They are always so professional and friendly!

Happy Friday!

I've been trying to find s source or start a coop. Couldn't find enough people to do it or I could find cheap organic feed but shipping would be too much. I joined the feed train in miss. That will save me 7 dollars a bag. So I would be interested to see what they offer.
Here are a couple of links and info on why the cyanide content rises so sharply after soaking milo seed. Not the dry seed, only the soaked and sprouting seeds.



There are plenty more sources that all say about the same thing. Some even say its ok to give them as long as you wait long enough for that level to come back down and/or just feed as "part" of your sprouted seed mixture. I would just rather avoid all that nonsense and just use one grain to sprout.
Good morning Peeps. Thank goodness it’s Friday. Not sure how much more of this week I can take. Weather is supposed to be warm and sunny. We’ll see about that. I will weighing and processing some of the broilers this weekend. I'm ready for ALL of them to be GONE!!! :he

I had an exciting night last night. I went out to pick eggs and I found a little visitor in the egg crate/nesting boxes that I have in the feed storage room. I walk in and I see a opossum actually eating a chicken egg. I immediately freeze in my steps because I know that I have to make a quick decision within seconds that will affect either the opossum’s present and future, my present and future and the chicken egg’s present and future. I’m thinking I know that I need to run and go and get the pellet gun but I know that as soon as I run back to the house and come back the opossum will be long gone and I won’t see him again and he will continue to come back and eat eggs. So, I decide against that. So now I have to decide how will I trap and kill this beast. While I’m thinking, it looks at me and knows that it needs to get the heck outta there. So, I see it about to make a move and try to climb out of the nesting box and begin to climb up the beams in the storage building. So, now again, I have to think VERY quickly and decide how this is about to go down. So, now my mind and body is slowly transforming into my “McGyver & Zena, The Farm Girl Warrior mode and the wheels start spinning. I look to my left and I look to my right as I am simultaneously thinking of how I will create a ground attack of the enemy, while looking for weapons that could cause some mass destruction. As I’m looking around, I’m looking for any sharp objects that can be used to take down this beast. I look to my right and I see a sickle hanging from a beam. I know the sickle is not strong enough nor is it sharp enough to take down the enemy. I continue to visually survey the scene as I look for other options. I look and I see a kerosene lamp and a lamp but I know that I can’t set it on fire because I would be setting the entire building on fire and besides that would be cruel to the poor animal. Ok, so now I spot a pitch fork and I know I can use that. I grab the pitch fork and try to position myself in a way so that I can pierce the poor critter in its side. By this time, the opossum is climbing up the beam to escape. I position myself and I pierce the pitch fork in its side. I get him in the stomach but it doesn't kill him immediately. So now I have to find a way to keep the pitch fork positioned so that the opossum doesn't get away. Although the pitch fork went through his stomach, he is still trying to escape. He is big and strong so the pitch fork is nothing for him to grab on to and move. So, now I’m trying to find a way to lock the pitch fork in a propped position so that I can try to mobilize this creature. Nothing I do is working. So, now I have to try to find something to kill it because the pitch fork will take a long time to bring it down. So, now I see a large hammer on the floor. I have to stretch and elongate my body and use my legs and toes to move the hammer towards me so that I can try to get it. I get the hammer moved to me but I can’t pick it up because I will lose a hold of the pitch fork. So now I have to re-position the pitch fork in the opossum so that it will lower down towards the ground so that I can bend down to pick up the hammer. So, I finally am able to do that and I get the hammer. So, I come up with the bright idea to use the hammer to try to push the pitch fork further into this creature. I drive the pitch fork more and more into its side but this devil is not going down. So now I have to change my thinking and try to pick up this monster and get him out of there. So, here I go again looking around and trying to find something that I can use to capture it. I see the 5 gallon feed buckets and I try to use those but the devil is not cooperating and he does not want to go in the bucket. I look around again and I see a net and I know it’s now a done deal. Again, I have to change the direction of the pitch fork so that I can stretch to get the net. I get the net and now I’m trying to capture the devil with the net. So, I get the net over the opossum and I"m ready to move to the next phase of my tactical capture. So, now I have to lift the pitch fork up to get the opossum up and outta there. Now while all of this is going on, the opossum is growling and hissing and showing his teeth. I didn't realize how scary the sounds they make really are. It was a fight and a battle but I finally got him where I wanted him. At this time, I’m scared that he will detach himself from the pitch fork and escape, so now I have to go into another mode of thinking to figure out how I can detain him. So, I look around and I find an empty feed can. I slide the can near where the predator is and I slide the opossum in the can. So now I’m relieved that the battle is finally over. At this time, I cover the trash can and I run to the house to get the pellet gun for the final ending. I get the gun and I’m back in the storage room. I give him one shot to the head and he goes stiff but not dead. I give him another shot to the head and this time he is out. Well, I think he is out but then I see some movement. So, as I get a closer look the movement that I see is not what I was expecting to see. I shined the flashlight on the opossum and I am speechless and hurt when I see babies in the MOTHER’S pouch and they are moving around. I felt so bad for the babies that I could cry. I just killed a mama opossum that had newborn babies. I had to suck up my feelings and think that the babies will grow up to be adults and they will only come back and eat the chicken eggs like their parents. Well, I knew that I didn't’ have the heart to kill the babies, so I just covered the trash can and left the mom and left the babies as they nursed on their mother.

Here are pics from my night last night. I’m really feeling terrible about those babies. This is the 2nd opossum that I have killed in the last week. I bet this is the family of opossums that my NEIGHBOR allowed to set up camp in her barn. They have since multiplied and are coming over to my yard for eggs.




Pics of babies. :hit



Sorry for such a long story but it seemed like it took me hours dealing with this critter last night. :mad: This would have been a great You Tube video because I know I looked like a clown during this entire time. Oh and I'm doing all of this while holding on to a large rechargeable flashiight. :/

I really did not think any form of killing a possum was beyond me but not sure I could have done that. Nonetheless, I am so proud of you and I will now scream my chicken predator death phrase:" bye bye CHICKEN KILLER!!!"
I really did not think any form of killing a possum was beyond me but not sure I could have done that. Nonetheless, I am so proud of you and I will now scream my chicken predator death phrase:" bye bye CHICKEN KILLER!!!"

Kuntrygirl, you really need to take up writing murder novels -- that was a great read! and I'm sure you worked out a LOT of pent up frustration and anger last night during that adventure!

So, young Hens eggs, then my Bantams eggs, THEN this tiny blue egg???? Two bluebirds flew out when I came in the coop, n this was in the corner! Could it be or is it a fart egg???

Ok, so rye good, MILO bad, n need a bag of oats.... Great advice peeps!
Sorry bout the losses... I'm wondering if one who died is who pushed aside, realizing something was wrong???

I just got a tiny green fart egg yesterday. The picture I took washed out the color a lot.
Good morning Peeps. Thank goodness it’s Friday. Not sure how much more of this week I can take. Weather is supposed to be warm and sunny. We’ll see about that. I will weighing and processing some of the broilers this weekend. I'm ready for ALL of them to be GONE!!!

I had an exciting night last night. I went out to pick eggs and I found a little visitor in the egg crate/nesting boxes that I have in the feed storage room. I walk in and I see a opossum actually eating a chicken egg. I immediately freeze in my steps because I know that I have to make a quick decision within seconds that will affect either the opossum’s present and future, my present and future and the chicken egg’s present and future. I’m thinking I know that I need to run and go and get the pellet gun but I know that as soon as I run back to the house and come back the opossum will be long gone and I won’t see him again and he will continue to come back and eat eggs. So, I decide against that. So now I have to decide how will I trap and kill this beast. While I’m thinking, it looks at me and knows that it needs to get the heck outta there. So, I see it about to make a move and try to climb out of the nesting box and begin to climb up the beams in the storage building. So, now again, I have to think VERY quickly and decide how this is about to go down. So, now my mind and body is slowly transforming into my “McGyver & Zena, The Farm Girl Warrior mode and the wheels start spinning. I look to my left and I look to my right as I am simultaneously thinking of how I will create a ground attack of the enemy, while looking for weapons that could cause some mass destruction. As I’m looking around, I’m looking for any sharp objects that can be used to take down this beast. I look to my right and I see a sickle hanging from a beam. I know the sickle is not strong enough nor is it sharp enough to take down the enemy. I continue to visually survey the scene as I look for other options. I look and I see a kerosene lamp and a lamp but I know that I can’t set it on fire because I would be setting the entire building on fire and besides that would be cruel to the poor animal. Ok, so now I spot a pitch fork and I know I can use that. I grab the pitch fork and try to position myself in a way so that I can pierce the poor critter in its side. By this time, the opossum is climbing up the beam to escape. I position myself and I pierce the pitch fork in its side. I get him in the stomach but it doesn't kill him immediately. So now I have to find a way to keep the pitch fork positioned so that the opossum doesn't get away. Although the pitch fork went through his stomach, he is still trying to escape. He is big and strong so the pitch fork is nothing for him to grab on to and move. So, now I’m trying to find a way to lock the pitch fork in a propped position so that I can try to mobilize this creature. Nothing I do is working. So, now I have to try to find something to kill it because the pitch fork will take a long time to bring it down. So, now I see a large hammer on the floor. I have to stretch and elongate my body and use my legs and toes to move the hammer towards me so that I can try to get it. I get the hammer moved to me but I can’t pick it up because I will lose a hold of the pitch fork. So now I have to re-position the pitch fork in the opossum so that it will lower down towards the ground so that I can bend down to pick up the hammer. So, I finally am able to do that and I get the hammer. So, I come up with the bright idea to use the hammer to try to push the pitch fork further into this creature. I drive the pitch fork more and more into its side but this devil is not going down. So now I have to change my thinking and try to pick up this monster and get him out of there. So, here I go again looking around and trying to find something that I can use to capture it. I see the 5 gallon feed buckets and I try to use those but the devil is not cooperating and he does not want to go in the bucket. I look around again and I see a net and I know it’s now a done deal. Again, I have to change the direction of the pitch fork so that I can stretch to get the net. I get the net and now I’m trying to capture the devil with the net. So, I get the net over the opossum and I"m ready to move to the next phase of my tactical capture. So, now I have to lift the pitch fork up to get the opossum up and outta there. Now while all of this is going on, the opossum is growling and hissing and showing his teeth. I didn't realize how scary the sounds they make really are. It was a fight and a battle but I finally got him where I wanted him. At this time, I’m scared that he will detach himself from the pitch fork and escape, so now I have to go into another mode of thinking to figure out how I can detain him. So, I look around and I find an empty feed can. I slide the can near where the predator is and I slide the opossum in the can. So now I’m relieved that the battle is finally over. At this time, I cover the trash can and I run to the house to get the pellet gun for the final ending. I get the gun and I’m back in the storage room. I give him one shot to the head and he goes stiff but not dead. I give him another shot to the head and this time he is out. Well, I think he is out but then I see some movement. So, as I get a closer look the movement that I see is not what I was expecting to see. I shined the flashlight on the opossum and I am speechless and hurt when I see babies in the MOTHER’S pouch and they are moving around. I felt so bad for the babies that I could cry. I just killed a mama opossum that had newborn babies. I had to suck up my feelings and think that the babies will grow up to be adults and they will only come back and eat the chicken eggs like their parents. Well, I knew that I didn't’ have the heart to kill the babies, so I just covered the trash can and left the mom and left the babies as they nursed on their mother.

Here are pics from my night last night. I’m really feeling terrible about those babies. This is the 2nd opossum that I have killed in the last week. I bet this is the family of opossums that my NEIGHBOR allowed to set up camp in her barn. They have since multiplied and are coming over to my yard for eggs.

Pics of babies.

Sorry for such a long story but it seemed like it took me hours dealing with this critter last night.
This would have been a great You Tube video because I know I looked like a clown during this entire time. Oh and I'm doing all of this while holding on to a large rechargeable flashiight.
You need to start writing books!!!!!!

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