"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

It's been the craziest day.
I saw my cousin, who owned the stud that bred all the mares, at the store, and told him about the foal. He was buying a large item and couldn't fit it in his car, so I offered to bring it to his house in my truck. After running a few errands I ran over there to drop the box off... his field was on fire. I went and caught his horses and tied them somewhere safe while he ran out and tried to fight the fire. We tried dumping buckets of water for 45 minutes before he tried to chop around the fire with his tractor... The choppers weren't deep enough. The fire progressed while we were running buckets of water back and forth until it hit dry brush on the edge of his fence. Then it starting blazing, rushing towards the houses on the edge of the field with the help of a heavy wind. Cue fire department, four fire trucks, etc. Luckily the amazing people of the fire department prevented any houses from catching fire. We and a group of volunteers were around the perimeter patting out fire with shovel for over two hours. They helped contain the blaze until it died off. Now my cousin has an empty burnt field. I told him he could till and sow some seeds now.
At the end of the day I'm sooty, blistered, exhausted, and stinky. I'm just glad no one got hurt, and very thankful to the kind firefighters who aided us.

Sooty, maybe stinky, probably But definitely a hero. Hats off to you.
Thank you guys for the kind words. I'm going take a nice cool shower. I feel like a broasted chicken. I told my cousin I refuse to bring any more packages to his house.
I'm honestly glad I went though. He was inside his house and would have never noticed. I only wish I would have gone there FIRST then ran errands later. We could have avoided the whole mess.
It's been the craziest day. :th  I saw my cousin, who owned the stud that bred all the mares, at the store, and told him about the foal. He was buying a large item and couldn't fit it in his car, so I offered to bring it to his house in my truck. After running a few errands I ran over there to drop the box off... his field was on fire. I went and caught his horses and tied them somewhere safe while he ran out and tried to fight the fire. We tried dumping buckets of water for 45 minutes before he tried to chop around the fire with his tractor... The choppers weren't deep enough. The fire progressed while we were running buckets of water back and forth until it hit dry brush on the edge of his fence. Then it starting blazing, rushing towards the houses on the edge of the field with the help of a heavy wind. Cue fire department, four fire trucks, etc. Luckily the amazing people of the fire department prevented any houses from catching fire. We and a group of volunteers were around the perimeter patting out fire with shovel for over two hours. They helped contain the blaze until it died off. Now my cousin has an empty burnt field. I told him he could till and sow some seeds now. ;)  At the end of the day I'm sooty, blistered, exhausted, and stinky. I'm just glad no one got hurt, and very thankful to the kind firefighters who aided us.

Oh how scary! Glad you are ok!
Bahahahahaha I quite understand. Only I'm the one doing the hugging. Not strangers. But if I've seen you before, yes. ha
No, my bazookas are not F. They are a C ( with professional help)
I call BS!!!!! Never saw me before, and it was like true love!! LOL You are a hugger and you know it!
But really guys.. only because we had spoken here and on the phone and we both kinda felt like we knew each other good enough for some luv'n!
But i have to tease her...
I like it so much, that motherly love, I'm hoping she comes over again real soon! Lub me some Linda!!!
Thank you guys for the kind words. I'm going take a nice cool shower. I feel like a broasted chicken. I told my cousin I refuse to bring any more packages to his house. :lol:  I'm honestly glad I went though. He was inside his house and would have never noticed. I only wish I would have gone there FIRST then ran errands later. We could have avoided the whole mess.

That would have scared me to death!! Once a building was on fire so I asked my grandson if he wanted to see it, he was about 4 then. So, I pulled my car up and when the flames came out of the top of the building I was ready to get out of there. Fire is so powerful and you are a heroine. He's lucky the box wouldn't fit in his car.
Finally caught up,
So sorry about your om... just awful. I had high hopes he would get better.

Fresh poo is on it's way seems like one of the funnier things i've heard in a while...

MY GOSH! A FIRE!!!!!!! That could have ended up much worse! So glad you were at the right place just when it was needed!!!!

That colt is gorgeous! Glad the Mama is doing good as well.

I had 4 more pip today. One seemed so excited to hatch, I thought great, a strong one. So, I go walk my 4 miles. Get back, and Mr. Excited banged and rolled and shifted so much hatching, that he rolled one of the other chicks that had barely pipped, and it had drowned...
This is just NOT my year for hatching so far.
Oh, and thanks so much for the lesson... I realize it HAD to be my own inabilities so far... so, if I ever want to toss a refrigerated egg in the bator again... IT WILL HATCH! Im glad it's possible... but sad I failed this Spring. Luckily I'm getting enough eggs everyday, I can hopefully fulfill these chick orders soon.
Omg :( so glad y'all are safe and that you just happened to help him home to provide assistance. Fire destroys fast. More people keeping it at bay until firefighters with big equip arrive saves lives and property.
Omg how scary. Fire is so cruel and unforgiving:( I'm Proud you stuck it out! What great teamwork.
It's been the craziest day. :th  I saw my cousin, who owned the stud that bred all the mares, at the store, and told him about the foal. He was buying a large item and couldn't fit it in his car, so I offered to bring it to his house in my truck. After running a few errands I ran over there to drop the box off... his field was on fire. I went and caught his horses and tied them somewhere safe while he ran out and tried to fight the fire. We tried dumping buckets of water for 45 minutes before he tried to chop around the fire with his tractor... The choppers weren't deep enough. The fire progressed while we were running buckets of water back and forth until it hit dry brush on the edge of his fence. Then it starting blazing, rushing towards the houses on the edge of the field with the help of a heavy wind. Cue fire department, four fire trucks, etc. Luckily the amazing people of the fire department prevented any houses from catching fire. We and a group of volunteers were around the perimeter patting out fire with shovel for over two hours. They helped contain the blaze until it died off. Now my cousin has an empty burnt field. I told him he could till and sow some seeds now. ;)  At the end of the day I'm sooty, blistered, exhausted, and stinky. I'm just glad no one got hurt, and very thankful to the kind firefighters who aided us.
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