"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Hey forever ! have missed you. good to see you back.

Hey! Just catching up...teach me to miss a while. I think there were 300+ posts and it doesn't seem like I was gone that long. All this plant talk... I haven't even started the garden for this year yet. I looked at my strawberries today and found they already passed blooming and started fruiting. I had forgotten to put them outside until today so I am a little surprised. I think my peach tree is dead. It bloomed but didn't fruit last year and didn't take well to the freeze we have had this winter. Speaking of... another freeze is expected for Tuesday and Wednesday nights. I see no sign of blooming from my blackberry bushes but have seen a ton of bees around them. Almost all my grass is dead either from the freeze (heat hardy only) or the constant flooding. At this rate I may need to look into expanding my drainage pond because it is already full before the rain. On the down side I have to have my well looked at. I have city water now but kept the well for a back up and the water level is still low and hasn't changed in quite a while. I know it is deep enough, it may just need a good cleaning.

These are what's in bloom. All the ginger I have are coming up. I have snow drops too and tuberose. I have some large hollys that are over grown and need moved and some I need to get rid of. I took more pics but their not in the cloud yet. If you want to see something in particular let me know. The lotus flowers are different colors they come back every year you have to keep them in water. Pam

The purple is Louisiana Iris notice its purple and gold LSU colors it is here by the kajillions Meemaw has let it go rampant (any takers) LOL has stopped up the drainage for the grey water piping.
Hey! Just catching up...teach me to miss a while. I think there were 300+ posts and it doesn't seem like I was gone that long. All this plant talk... I haven't even started the garden for this year yet. I looked at my strawberries today and found they already passed blooming and started fruiting. I had forgotten to put them outside until today so I am a little surprised. I think my peach tree is dead. It bloomed but didn't fruit last year and didn't take well to the freeze we have had this winter. Speaking of... another freeze is expected for Tuesday and Wednesday nights. I see no sign of blooming from my blackberry bushes but have seen a ton of bees around them. Almost all my grass is dead either from the freeze (heat hardy only) or the constant flooding. At this rate I may need to look into expanding my drainage pond because it is already full before the rain.  On the down side I have to have my well looked at. I have city water now but kept the well for a back up and the water level is still low and hasn't changed in quite a while. I know it is deep enough, it may just need a good cleaning.

Be careful have your water tested Ron said they are trying to frack somewhere close. I forgot which town he said. they don't have to disclose all the chemicals they frack with.
good morning !!!!! whats up with all the flowers !!!!!lol they are all very pretty bet a chicken would tear it up too!!!!! lol hope everyone has a great day!!!!
I have some wild irises my hubby dug up and brought me several years ago, but they are nowhere near ready to bloom yet. Good thing since we are having snow flurries AND a severe freeze warning for tonight .... IN April?? Wow! It's been a while since we've had such weather and it's a good thing we've been too busy working on the coop/run and have not planted the garden yet. This way we're not trying to figure out how to cover it all up.
Be careful have your water tested Ron said they are trying to frack somewhere close. I forgot which town he said. they don't have to disclose all the chemicals they frack with.
That is scary! I'll have my city water tested when I get the well looked at. Even city water is unpredictable here because they have been expanding city water towards dequincy and have to shut everyone off to expand. I don't know why but the water gets shut off on the hottest days or when you really need a shower. I'll need the well this summer because they sent around another schedule for expansion.
good morning !!!!! whats up with all the flowers !!!!!lol they are all very pretty bet a chicken would tear it up too!!!!! lol hope everyone has a great day!!!!

Good morning! Welcome to the thread! Even if the chickens get into the flowers it can be seen as more food for them and the flowers will bring bees to the area. Also, having something to entertain the chickens can keep them out of a garden. I have an old wood pile ripe with bugs, a burn barrel, and a swing set where mine like to play and it keeps them out of my garden when I am not working on it. Now, if you are tending to the garden at the time there is nothing to keep them out unless you cover it in deer/bird netting.

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