"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Okay, so my "WILD MAMA" (bantam who sneaks off n returns w a brood) and her 10 chicks... who I put in that lawn mower trailer for safety:
Well, saw 4 had hopped out, peeping wildly. Couldn't catch them, so I took Wild Mama out with the 3 sided plastic tube they slept in, hoping they would return to her.  3 others hopped out, she went after them... needless to say they all escaped.
Now, 3 hours later....  Wild Mama went BACK up into the insulation... now she laid an egg!!!!!  Seems she decided to stay with the egg, I can't reach to get her out.  And she wont return to the chicks.  I waited 2 more hours, she never came out and they r going nuts. They are under my house freezing.
Lost, I used a super bright flashlight, blinded their bundled clump, and used a fish net to catch them.  Now, they are in my brooder...  she has never done this before. Anyone EVER????
So, do I try to let her have em back in the AM?  or say screw it and brood em myself?   Ya'll know how I love how mothering and devoted she has always been.... its killing me,,and they are still crying for her...

If she stayes with the egg tomorrow of lays more and stays with them. then brooder. I would let them be with her tomorrow if she comes out. Welcome new eggs.
My inter nrt was down here's day 14 finisheh chicken doors and put flooring down. Ron made shelves under the roost to catch all the poop fer easy bagging.
Do you want to buy or sell raw milk???

There is a bill coming up in Baton Rouge on the 24th. HB247 that would ALLOW for the sale of raw milk in Louisiana.

Contact your representative and tell them that you would like to be able to have the right to buy milk that you believe is healthy for your family. Tell them to approve the bill. 40 other states in the USA allow for the sale of raw milk.

This page often has updates on information like this. https://www.facebook.com/groups/574245796001036/
Done already, please even if y'all don't need the bill, do it. Read it, take a few minutes for a two line sentence that it needs to be passed. Many do need this and all the support they can get. Small communities don't get enough backing when fighting for things that shouldnt be an issue to begin with :(

The cottage law just passed! Those that need it will be able to pay some bills finally without worry of severe consequences from the gov. They are families like mine and want fresh healthy real food.
Do you want to buy or sell raw milk???

[COLOR=FF0000]There is a bill coming up in Baton Rouge on the 24th.  HB247 that would ALLOW for the sale of raw milk in Louisiana. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=800080]Contact your representative and tell them that you would like to be able to have the right to buy milk that you believe is healthy for your family.  Tell them to approve the bill. 40 other states in the USA allow for the sale of raw milk.[/COLOR]

This page often has updates on information like this. https://www.facebook.com/groups/574245796001036/
Okay, so my "WILD MAMA" (bantam who sneaks off n returns w a brood) and her 10 chicks... who I put in that lawn mower trailer for safety:
Well, saw 4 had hopped out, peeping wildly. Couldn't catch them, so I took Wild Mama out with the 3 sided plastic tube they slept in, hoping they would return to her. 3 others hopped out, she went after them... needless to say they all escaped.
Now, 3 hours later.... Wild Mama went BACK up into the insulation... now she laid an egg!!!!! Seems she decided to stay with the egg, I can't reach to get her out. And she wont return to the chicks. I waited 2 more hours, she never came out and they r going nuts. They are under my house freezing.
Lost, I used a super bright flashlight, blinded their bundled clump, and used a fish net to catch them. Now, they are in my brooder... she has never done this before. Anyone EVER????
So, do I try to let her have em back in the AM? or say screw it and brood em myself? Ya'll know how I love how mothering and devoted she has always been.... its killing me,,and they are still crying for her...
Ahhhh....I can't help you, but...
hang in there, someone will know. You've got good instincts, listen to them.
Okay, so my "WILD MAMA" (bantam who sneaks off n returns w a brood) and her 10 chicks... who I put in that lawn mower trailer for safety:
Well, saw 4 had hopped out, peeping wildly. Couldn't catch them, so I took Wild Mama out with the 3 sided plastic tube they slept in, hoping they would return to her. 3 others hopped out, she went after them... needless to say they all escaped.
Now, 3 hours later.... Wild Mama went BACK up into the insulation... now she laid an egg!!!!! Seems she decided to stay with the egg, I can't reach to get her out. And she wont return to the chicks. I waited 2 more hours, she never came out and they r going nuts. They are under my house freezing.
Lost, I used a super bright flashlight, blinded their bundled clump, and used a fish net to catch them. Now, they are in my brooder... she has never done this before. Anyone EVER????
So, do I try to let her have em back in the AM? or say screw it and brood em myself? Ya'll know how I love how mothering and devoted she has always been.... its killing me,,and they are still crying for her...

Completely crazy that she laid an egg already! I have no clue about that. We have a bantam that snuck off and laid a clutch of eggs. I finally found her 3 days a go and she's sat on 9. I was furious, and my partner thinks it's great. I have nightmares about being overrun with bantams. Another two are broody.

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