"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

TGIF! where is everybody? I start coming on again & I ran you all off?

Tomorrow is "fall cleaning" day for the coop. I owe my highly successful garden this year to last year's fall cleanout, lol! Then it's on to picking up pecans. Just had my first satsuma of the year (a little on the green side & tart, but sooo good)! Love this time of year!
TGIF! where is everybody? I start coming on again & I ran you all off?

Tomorrow is "fall cleaning" day for the coop. I owe my highly successful garden this year to last year's fall cleanout, lol! Then it's on to picking up pecans. Just had my first satsuma of the year (a little on the green side & tart, but sooo good)! Love this time of year!
I am offshore, so I am just keeping up to date on here for now.
Good evening all. Hope everyone is doing well :)
I've been steadily working on the bird house. So thought ya'll would like some pics.
I rented a trencher yesterday to run power and water.
Was up at 3:00 a.m. this morning running wire for lights and receptacles.
Chicks were coming soon and I had a suspicion they'd arrive a day before the ETA date.

I was worried the birds would get to much wind in the winter so I decided to put tin on as siding on this side of the house.
The vents have hardware cloth on them. I'm planning to make removable covers (tin with 2x4 frame) for the vents That can easily be taken off in Spring. I still need to build doors for each end. I'm not planning to build doors for the three openings on the tin side as of yet. I'm not sure yet how I'm going to build the run. I've been a bit lost on how to design and what to do. I'm just feeling it out as I go. I hope putting the tin on wasn't a mistake. I think there will be plenty of ventilation in the summer months with all the windows open.

Here's the section I turned into the brooder. I guess it is now a designated brooder/broody hen area. I'll be cutting in a chicken door on the backside and probably building a designated run. It is fully pred proof with 1/2" cloth buried 12" deep. It's getting a little cool at night so I put the plastic on the walls to cut the drafts.

I'm glad I got started early this morning. Set the brooder up using some panels that were from a job that were never used. It is 7'x7'
Got the call from the post office this morning!
Thirty barred rocks :) Straight run. Ideal sent two extra chicks so there's 32 running around in the pic.
So far they are all healthy and doing great. Eating,drinking and napping.

I don't know why this pic is sideways.

So I've never heard back from the guy that was going to send me the Buckeyes. He is MIA. Won't answer my calls or call me back. I'm beginning to think something has happened with him. I was really hoping to get started with the Buckeyes. Oh well. I hope the guy is ok.
Anyhoo, this is where I'm at. My first chicks are here and healthy :)

Cheers everyone!

TGIF! where is everybody? I start coming on again & I ran you all off?

Tomorrow is "fall cleaning" day for the coop. I owe my highly successful garden this year to last year's fall cleanout, lol! Then it's on to picking up pecans. Just had my first satsuma of the year (a little on the green side & tart, but sooo good)! Love this time of year!

It seems like we gett a good group going the they fade away. Haven't herd from crackednut, just see she has left a few ovations, but no posting.
Primrose was hanging in there now she's Mia. Don't give up we have a few new regulars I think the page will gain new peeps who will stick around.
We were given a free piece of granite. Ron wants to make a work table for the studio. It's so nice I want to cut it for a bathroom vanity.



What do you think. The guy had a kitchen remodel. There was a lot more but he broke it because he didn't have the man power to take it out in the slabs. I told him next time call us we'll pay labor to haul it off for you.
It seems like we gett a good group going the they fade away. Haven't herd from crackednut, just see she has left a few ovations, but no posting.
Primrose was hanging in there now she's Mia. Don't give up we have a few new regulars I think the page will gain new peeps who will stick around.
We were given a free piece of granite. Ron wants to make a work table for the studio. It's so nice I want to cut it for a bathroom vanity.

What do you think. The guy had a kitchen remodel. There was a lot more but he broke it because he didn't have the man power to take it out in the slabs. I told him next time call us we'll pay labor to haul it off for you.

NICE! My folks have a beautiful piece of black marbled granite they've had for years. They put it on an old antique sewing machine stand & use it as a table on their back porch.
Hey I'm still here! Busy doing 5k gruntwork, going around with my hands out and begging for money. Spent the night with the kids in LC. Jake and Sophia were great, kids adored the whole thing. 10/10 would recommend.

Finally got an egg from all four RIWs yesterday! Gorgeous, jumbo. We let them out in the back to range with everyone else; the rooster took an immediate shine to them. Considering moving the tractor to the back yard. The coop isn't big enough for all 15 so can't keep them together.


Such beautiful eggs. The fourth was covered in dark speckles. No pic because I grabbed it right before we left.
That's too funny TD. :)
I'm thinking of going with the below ground pool(heated). I here "Cluckers SatTV" has good service and lots of great programming. Every Saturday morning "How to Eat Worms Using Chicken Manners" comes on at 9:00 a.m. Which is highly educational for the newly hatched. Daily at noon "A Brooder Primer for Expecting Hens" comes on. "What to Expect When I Lay My First Egg" is also a good one. The late show comes on at 10.00 p.m. long after the chicks are tucked in. It's called "Predator Eyes" a half hour long program on predator evasion tactics followed by a highly graphic horror film called "A Trip to the Butcher". A dark comedy with a bad ending that's rather gruesome. It ruffles a few feathers, gets a cackle out of the hens and throws the cocks into an uproar. :)

Thank you for the compliments, highly appreciated. I'm glad you approved of the tin application. I figured it'd be sufficient ventilation but good to hear it from you also.
Yea, I've put a lot of time and thought into the coop not to mention I've spent a good bit more than I anticipated and I'm not through yet. But I'm on the downhill side. :)

I'd love for you to drop by next time your in town. Your always welcome and that goes for anyone else in the LA. thread. :)

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I haven't had a chance to post pictures of the chickens my youngest daughter won with at the fair. We didn't expect her to win anything as these are not chickens purchased from "show quality" stock. But we do take good care of them and gave them a super nice spa day prior to the fair. This was STRICTLY FOR FUN and for her to learn the process of showing chickens. Although there really aren't a lot of "show" chickens at the fair.

This Buff Orpington won 1st in one judging and 2nd in the other judging. We adore this girl and her sister as well (who didn't go to the fair as she has a tiny crack in her beak we are working on getting grown out). So of course what do you think this girl of mine wants to do..........get a Buff O roo of course, lol.

This sweet Frizzled Cochin won 5th place in one judging. But she did have a couple of faults we knew about that prevented her going any further.

This Golden Polish hen is nutty as a fruitcake. But she won 5th in one judging. The kids had cut her wing feathers awhile back and they didn't all grow back in before the fair, and she also is lightweight for her breed. Her cut wings prevented her going any further in the second judging.

I think its a good thing that we don't have any land right now or we probably would have come home from the fair with a goat. I could barely keep my kids away from them!!!

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