"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

@Cody A Pam and I will both have some decent meat birds, if you get the better meat birds or dual purpose you can breed your own and save money on a better trasting bird. That is what I plan to do!
Morning all. I was up all night with a sick baby. Well, he's not a baby anymore. Almost three. Anyway, since I was awake I washed up and had a quick candle. There's development in all 18 eggs! :celebrate One SS egg might have been a blood ring, I wasn't sure. And I think I accidentally got an australorp egg in there as an SS egg. They're the same size and color, but the SS eggs are papery feeling, like duck eggs. The australorp egg is slick and shiny. So if it hatches black, I guess I'll know.

How do y'all mark chicks? I was thinking of a washable (crayola) marker dot on the head. Of course if the mixed eggs hatch black, then I'll be in good shape. ;) I just want to mark that possible australorp egg, so I don't sell the chick.

Edit to add: I think my bator is running a little cool. Thermometer on top of eggs is reading 102, but thermometer on the turner reads 96. The eggs didn't feel warm enough. I haven't decided if I'm going to give it a nudge or not. I'd hate to have the temp spike and ruin the hatch. So far I'm doing much better than last time.
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I've beed busy is putting it mildly. My dad iwas in the hospital . Now at home with home health and a feeding tube. I've been trained to run the pump. Anyway I will have your eggs in the mail tomorrow. Pam
Gosh Pam that doesn't sound good. You just do what you need to do. No hurry.
Morning all. I was up all night with a sick baby. Well, he's not a baby anymore. Almost three. Anyway, since I was awake I washed up and had a quick candle. There's development in all 18 eggs!
One SS egg might have been a blood ring, I wasn't sure. And I think I accidentally got an australorp egg in there as an SS egg. They're the same size and color, but the SS eggs are papery feeling, like duck eggs. The australorp egg is slick and shiny. So if it hatches black, I guess I'll know.

How do y'all mark chicks? I was thinking of a washable (crayola) marker dot on the head. Of course if the mixed eggs hatch black, then I'll be in good shape.
I just want to mark that possible australorp egg, so I don't sell the chick.

Edit to add: I think my bator is running a little cool. Thermometer on top of eggs is reading 102, but thermometer on the turner reads 96. The eggs didn't feel warm enough. I haven't decided if I'm going to give it a nudge or not. I'd hate to have the temp spike and ruin the hatch. So far I'm doing much better than last time.

Camping, you could use a sharpie to mark the head, legs, feet ect. I used one on some of my grown birds. I marked the comb.
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What breed are you going to work with Ricrow?

Morning Cody,
I have White bresse and Marraduna Basque (Marraduna Basque in the incubator, but hopefully I'll get a decent hatch. I haven't decided if I'll order more if the hatch is lousy), and all my other breeds are duel purpose so roosters should taste mighty good!
Good morning all!!! Well, the hatchery surprise came in, all 49 chicks healthy and none DOA! So excited!

I'm only sure of a couple of breeds, time to do some research on chick colors. No matter, the are awesome.

Here's a few pics of the ones I'm not too sure about yet.




Had to throw this one in of my wife with one of her new duckies lol. Will add more pics later today after researching some.
Morning Cody,
I have White bresse and Marraduna Basque (Marraduna Basque in the incubator, but hopefully I'll get a decent hatch. I haven't decided if I'll order more if the hatch is lousy), and all my other breeds are duel purpose so roosters should taste mighty good!
My plan for now is to raise the Bielefelders for meat and eggs. If they get to the sizes that I've read, males-10lbs, females-8lbs. These that I have now won't be ready to lay until close to fall so I won't be eating any Bieles other than cockerels until probably next spring-summer. So until I get the Bieles rolling I've been thinking of getting some of the Cornish game birds to tide me over for meat. Something that grows fast!!! Maybe in the next couple months or so. Thought it might be fun to do, maybe get some friends and family involved.
Call Ideal back and tell them they advertised SR as 50/50. Not 100% roosters. Tell them about the six million fans of BYC and you post on several threads. Your credibility matters to you, (you tell them) and you must post the results of this conversation. Ideal wants good relations. Ask to speak to a supervisor. Gentle threats do work. I'm very mild until I'm riled. ha At least get the difference of SR and total roosters.

Linda, I'm usually not so passive, just didn't have it in me to raise hell about it. But I won't forget.

@Mr Flock a hatchery surprise should be interesting.

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