"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Hey everyone, yes, I am still alive, I just wanted to Say Hi and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, I will be working both of them. Yes, I am still raising chickens and now ducks, had 2 ducks and a chicken hatch 3 baby ducks, i was surprised any hatched the way they went about it, I have a well rounded flock of CCL from the parent birds i got from you, PAM, I have a flock of BLRW got as chicks from a lady in Youngsville. Still have Dominiques, SLW & GLW, and several OEs,EEs, Crested White Legbars and a couple coo coo crested legbars.and many more. I hope to finish land clearing soon and get time to get on here and visit, i have had a stretch of foot problems, shoulder and hand problems, i have been in sever pain since June, i think we have most of it under control, getting old is not what i thought it would be, 

Glad your feeling better! I find the years have made me slower and more prone to injury too. Maybe I just ignored the pain when I was younger, but I sure feel it these days!!!
The neighbor that has houses my chickens since the flood is totally hooked now! They've got me hatching like crazy so they will have a nice group of their own when I finally get to bring mine home. I did a Halloween and thanksgiving hatch already and set another 24 Sunday for a Christmas hatch. It's the least I can do for them taking care of my flock while I repair things at home.
Hi all finally found my Louisiana peeps (slow learner) 8 hens on the back 40.  feet. They not laying well first molt I guess. Come on spring!  

This time of year they will lay less due to molts and less daylight hours, but should pick up again in the spring.

Pick up in the spring!! That scares me. I am already getting 2 doz a day. Got eggs coming out my ears. Been feeding them back to the chickens.
Hi all finally found my Louisiana peeps (slow learner) 8 hens on the back 40.  feet. They not laying well first molt I guess. Come on spring!  

This time of year they will lay less due to molts and less daylight hours, but should pick up again in the spring.

Pick up in the spring!! That scares me. I am already getting 2 doz a day. Got eggs coming out my ears. Been feeding them back to the chickens.

Wow! :eek:
Pick up in the spring!! That scares me. I am already getting 2 doz a day. Got eggs coming out my ears. Been feeding them back to the chickens.

We have 12 hens, so we basically get a dozen a day. In addition to giving them to family & friends... I've started looking to other options for the extras. I freeze them in ice trays for when my girls go into molt. Also going to try the process to make "dryed powder" eggs next.
We have 12 hens, so we basically get a dozen a day. In addition to giving them to family & friends... I've started looking to other options for the extras. I freeze them in ice trays for when my girls go into molt. Also going to try the process to make "dryed powder" eggs next.
lucky we have 60 chickens and are now only getting between 8 and 10 finely
I guess I better quit complaining. We're still getting 2 dz a day from 32 layers. I was upset because we were having trouble meeting demand from family and church friends, but at least they are still paying for their feed.
I'm not getting many a day, but I've got some new layers starting up. Look at that tiny blue egg! :love


I only had 3 EE hens left, but several EE pullets and I guess a few have started up. My only brown eggs right now are from the honas.
Some of my breeds continue to lay at a normal rate in the winter, while others just stop completely. My cuckoo Marans and buff Orpingtons are my best winter layers.

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