"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Good because my phone's camera sucks. I am looking for a decent stand-alone camera but every one I fancy is about $200 and I don't want to order one without actually having a hands-on. And I have just realized that no one carries cameras anymore in town. I am going to have to venture out into wild & wooly Baton Rouge...maybe even go to the (shudder) mall...
Good because my phone's camera sucks. I am looking for a decent stand-alone camera but every one I fancy is about $200 and I don't want to order one without actually having a hands-on. And I have just realized that no one carries cameras anymore in town. I am going to have to venture out into wild & wooly Baton Rouge...maybe even go to the (shudder) mall...
The M*ll of Louisiana... :sick:sick
We finally had time today to clean up the pine branches in our yard from the winter storm. Took 5 hours, but it's done. We're going to have to replace the roof of our shed- it got Swiss cheese-d by the trees above it. We also found some 8 inch thick branches stuck over a foot deep in the ground. I'll post pics of the piles of branches on our curb tomorrow.
Would any of you be interested in trading fertile eggs or chicks ; im looking for jersey giants, large breed polish/ frizzles, and marans.

i have barnyard mix of chicks & eggs of olive Egger , easter egger, naked neck, buff orp, plymouth rock, Cochin, rhode island red and leghorn.

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