"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Hey, Lalady! Welcome, and sooo ready for Spring here too. Hopefully we'll have a fairly dry Summer. Anything's gotta be better than this mess. Supposed to be a dry week this week, though-we shall see...
I so agree I'm ready for spring!! Usually I would have already had my garden all weeded out and ready for planting but it's to flipping wet to even consider digging in there!! My poor chickens just can't even come out and hang in the run cause their knee deep in water!! And we're forcasting rain Sat, Mon, Tues & Wed!! I just don't even know what to think anymore!! I was talking to my neighbor and he said as long as I've lived here (minus the 20 years he moved away) (and he's in his 70's) he's never seen it get this much rain here!!

Hey, ya'll. Went to the big Mardi Gras parade in Eunice. I've never seen so many crazies on horseback in my life. Gotta love Mardi Gras in Cajun Country!!

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