"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

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Hey everybody!! I live in Pearl River La. I absolutely love chickens. I started with a few last spring. Now I definitely am addicted. Buff orphingtons are my absolute favorite. I have several pens with several different chickens. I am also working on a new pen. I have starting hatching off some buffs to try and sell. Right now I have 3 buff hens and one roo in one pen. I have 12 buffs that are about 4 weeks old. In another pen in the backyard I have rhode island reds and a barred rock. I have 34 eggs in the incubator that should hatch thursday and a two broody hens setting in another pen. Can you see the addiction???
williamsvicki! O yeah we know all about the addiction!
Main flock here consists of 4-Welsummers, 3-Blue Andalusians, 2 cuckoo Marans, 1 -EE, 1 - Olive egger, 1-splash Rock, 2 Ameracaunas & 1 "mutt" (have NO idea - she hatched from a big green egg but she grew into a small black & gold laced hen who lays a very elongated white egg, go figure! but she's cute.)

Grow-out pen has Blue-Black-Splash Andalusians, Welsummers, Blue-Black-Splash Rocks, and Olive-eggers (cross of Welsummer roo on Ameracauna hens).

Ameracauna eggs due in the mail today to go in the 'bator!
Welcome to BYC!!!!! I am about 30 minutes from you, just south of the Robert. Glad to meet you neighbor.
I posted in the swap section of the forum but no one has responded... I am interested to know if anyone ever has/would be interested in doing a chicken stock/meetup/swap thing for Louisiana. I would really like to see one, and would be willing to help organize somehow.
I never think to check the Swap Meet section -- I know some La. members got together last year but we weren't able to make it. Maybe somebody should do a poll & see what everybody thinks, where would be a good place, what time of year, etc.
So where exactly is everybody? Can we come up with a more-or-less central location and what time of year? would summer be better, when the kids are out of school---or fall, when it's cooler (& we dont' have to worry about hurricanes, etc)?

We are in Alexandria, so we're almost in dead center of the state. You know they just build a HUGE Ag center down at LSU-A -- it's about 6 miles from where we live - I wonder if they would let us hold a Chickenstock there one weekend? they use it for lots of stuff...all of the ag events & 4-H stuff is held there now.

There's also a big covered arena further down the road, right before you get to Lecompte, where they do barrel races & stuff. (thinking about in case it rains) I could check into that, too.

How about this last cool front of the year? nice today, yeah!!!

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