"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Thanks everyone! I don't have any poultry yet. I've spent the last few weeks looking over coop and run designs, and finally have a plan sketched up. I will hopefully be starting it this weekend. I've decided upon brown leghorns, but can't seem to locate any in my area. I thought about ordering online, but the minimum order sizes are to large. Any suggestions? Again, thank you for the warm welcome!!
Thanks everyone! I don't have any poultry yet. I've spent the last few weeks looking over coop and run designs, and finally have a plan sketched up. I will hopefully be starting it this weekend. I've decided upon brown leghorns, but can't seem to locate any in my area. I thought about ordering online, but the minimum order sizes are to large. Any suggestions? Again, thank you for the warm welcome!!

How many were you looking at getting? That may help us help you track them down.
They are very pretty birds btw...the hens remind me a great deal of the Red Dorking hen, only not quite as heavy of course.
Welcome Adam!!
from Sulphur

Mrs. Magoo -- I love your Welcome smilie!!

I stole it from another thread here on the forum a while back. If you want it, click it to open it at full size, right click it and save it to your computer. Then just load it back to BYC in your pictures and viola...you add a picture instead of a smiley.

I used to have a really nice one of a guy riding a turkey too. I'll have to go find that one again.
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Thanks everyone! I don't have any poultry yet. I've spent the last few weeks looking over coop and run designs, and finally have a plan sketched up. I will hopefully be starting it this weekend. I've decided upon brown leghorns, but can't seem to locate any in my area. I thought about ordering online, but the minimum order sizes are to large. Any suggestions? Again, thank you for the warm welcome!!

I'm not sure about locally, but if you do order online, try ideal poultry. They are located close to Louisiana in Texas. My chicks arrived quickly. They also don't require large orders. Just a $25 minimum. I ordered 4 barred rocks and a couple of supplies and have been very happy with the experience.

Granted, 3 minutes after ordering, I found many people locally that I could have gotten my chicks from.
Welcome Adam!

Good morning all! In case you haven't heard, the Magnolia Classic that was scheduled for Alexandria on March 23rd has been moved to Leesville! I'm still not sure if I will be showing anything at this show or at the CLPC show in April. I have that gorgeous emu looking gened gold wyandotte cockerel, but I'm afraid of pulling him for a show, then quarantining again when I could be getting him busy with the ladies! I wish the crazy boy would figure out what his job is.

*sigh* One more day of third graders before it is FRIDAY!!! I am ready for the weekend already!
Good morning La-yers. Nothing new here this morning. I wanted to put those guinea eggs under my broody Scovy duck last night but it was raining and I didn't feel like dealing with that last night. Maybe I'll do that tonight.

Have a good day ya'll. :frow
Thanks everyone! I don't have any poultry yet. I've spent the last few weeks looking over coop and run designs, and finally have a plan sketched up. I will hopefully be starting it this weekend. I've decided upon brown leghorns, but can't seem to locate any in my area. I thought about ordering online, but the minimum order sizes are to large. Any suggestions? Again, thank you for the warm welcome!!

Howdy doody adam77 and
and the La-yers thread too

There is somebody on here who's call name eludes me at the moment (happens more often than it should) IMO anyway they have Brown Leghorns and nice ones too. they around the Ville Platte/Oakdale/Unice area so maybe they will chime in on here soon other than them I don't know who has them right off. I have some BL hens but no rooster to hatch pure from, I cross mine with AGs and Phoenix. Makes good for ranging birds, alert and flighty, thrifty foragers.

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I received this email from Ideal Poultry.

If at any time anyone wants to order something but they don't want to order the required gazillion minimum because it's too much, just let me know and I may help you out and order with you.

Place your order for Geese NOW. Geese are priced $7.75 each 1-7, 8-15 are $7.45 each, 16-31 are $7.25 each and 32 or more are $7.05 each.
Standard Shipping, Air Mail and Boxing Charges apply.


Teri Adcox
Ideal Poultry


Place your order for Guineas NOW. French Guineas are priced $3.90 each 1-24, 25-49 are $3.78 each, 50-99 are $3.66 each and 100 or more are $3.55 each.
Standard Shipping, Air Mail and Boxing Charges apply.


Teri Adcox
Ideal Poultry


Bantam Special is the hatchery's choice of Pure Bred Bantams, which have not been sold as specific breed bantams and have not been used in other assortments. A nice variety of bantams will be included in this special. Ideal has more varieties of bantams than any other hatchery. Our bantams are purebred and represent the breed and variety; however, we do not guarantee or represent that they are of show quality.
Regular small order and air mail charges apply. This special is only valid for our 2/13 hatch only. This special is only valid as long as the chicks are available, so place your order now. Minimum order is 25 chicks per order. Varieties cannot be combined to meet minimum quantities.
Special Price:
Straight Run: $0.99 each

Hatchery Choice Ducks is an assortment of all breeds of ducks that Ideal hatches, including crested ducks, which have not been sold as specific breeds of ducks. Sexed ducks are available as specific breeds, but Hatchery Choice Ducks are sold as Straight Runs (as hatched with males and females mixed). Of all types of poultry, ducks are the easiest to raise. They are efficient producers of meat, excellent foragers and resistant to cold or wet weather. Ducks are useful in controlling unwanted plants in ponds and serve as insect, snail and slug exterminators. Together with having many practical attributes, ducks are beautiful, fun to watch and make excellent pets. A small flock of ducks can transform just another pond into a center of attraction and provide hours of entertainment.
Regular small order and air mail charges apply. This special is only valid for our 2/13 hatch only. The special is only valid as long as the ducks are available, so place your order now. Minimum order is 20 ducks per order. Crested Ducks can be included in any order. Varieties cannot be combined to meet minimum quantities.
Special Price:
Straight Run: $1.95 each

Red Broilers are efficient producers of broiler meat for those who do not wish to have white plumage broilers. Since Red Broilers are more active than Cornish Rocks and grow slightly slower, they rarely experience leg weakness or Ascite, which is fluid in the body cavity. Red Broiler hens are not a good choice for efficient production of brown eggs.
Regular small order and air mail charges apply. This special is only valid for our 2/13 hatch only. This special is only valid as long as the chicks are available, so place your order now. Minimum order is 25 chicks per order. Varieties cannot be combined to meet minimum quantities.
Special Price:
Straight Run: $0.90 each

Black Broilers are efficient producers of broiler meat for those who do not wish to have white plumage broilers. Since black broilers are more active than Cornish Rocks and grow slightly slower, they rarely experience leg weakness or Ascite, which is fluid in the body cavity. Black Broiler hens are not a good choice for efficient production of brown eggs.
Regular small order and air mail charges apply. This special is only valid for our 2/13 hatch only. This special is only valid as long as the chicks are available, so place your order now. Minimum order is 25 chicks per order. Varieties cannot be combined to meet minimum quantities.
Special Price:
Straight Run: $0.90 each

Of all types of poultry, ducks are the easiest to raise. They are efficient producers of meat, excellent foragers and resistant to cold or wet weather. Ducks are useful in controlling unwanted plants in ponds and serve as insect, snail and slug exterminators. Together with having many practical attributes, ducks are beautiful, fun to watch and make excellent pets. A small flock of ducks can transform just another pond into a center of attraction and provide hours of entertainment. Included in this special are the following specific breed ducks: White Pekin, Blue Swedish, Buff Ducks, Fawn & White Runners, Black & White Magpie, Black East India, Black Runners, Khaki Campbell, Rouen, Mallard, and Cayuga ducks.
Regular small order and air mail charges apply. This special is only valid for our 2/13 hatch only. The special is only valid as long as the ducks are available, so place your order now. Minimum order is 20 ducks per order. Crested Ducks can be included in any order. Varieties cannot be combined to meet minimum quantities.
Special Price:
Straight Run: $2.10 each

Included in this special are some of our Specific Breed Bantams Assortments. These assortments are the hatchery's choice of Pure Bred Bantams which have not been sold as specific bantam breeds and have not been used in other assortments. A nice variety of bantams will be included in each assortment. These assortments provide an excellent opportunity for bantams to be purchased at a discount price. The assortments included in this special are Assorted Cochin Bantams, Assorted Dutch Bantams, Assorted Old English Bantams, Assorted Wyandotte Bantams, Assorted Silkie Bantams, Assorted Clean Leg Bantams, and Assorted Feather Leg Bantams.
Regular small order and air mail charges apply. This special is only valid for our 2/13 hatch only. This special is only valid as long as the chicks are available, so place your order now. Minimum order is 25 chicks per order. Varieties cannot be combined to meet minimum quantities.
Special Price:
Straight Run: $1.19 each

Hatchery Choice Geese is an assortment of all breeds of geese that Ideal hatches which have not been sold as specific breeds of geese. Geese are hardy, easy to raise and seem to be resistant of all poultry diseases, parasites and cold or wet weather. They are excellent foragers, weeders and lawn mowers and can live on grass, water and grit; although, for top growth and egg production, commercial, high protein feed should be provided. Geese are useful in controlling the growth of grass on banks of ponds and streams and various underwater plants. They are extremely alert and honk loudly at the appearance of strangers. When geese are present on the farm, they are a deterrent to snakes.
Regular small order and air mail charges apply. This special is only valid for our 2/13 hatch only. This special is only valid as long as the geese are available, so place your order now. Minimum order is 8 geese per order. Varieties cannot be combined to meet minimum quantities.
Special Price:
Straight Run: $5.50 each
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