"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Thank you guys. I'm pretty happy. And TruBluCG, I know right where that is. Im in south Shreveport, in Frierson. I used to drive thru there alot going to DeBerry, Tx. Maybe we will meet in person some day soon.
Need some advice/opinions about this.... I candled again last night. I have two egg babies that are all swimming and happy (yeah!), but this one... I'm not to sure about. I tried to take some pics of it... I just don't know what to make of it. Is it viable? Did it die? Should I give it a little more time? Thanks in advance y'all!

How long has this one been in the incubator? It looks like a quitter to me from here if it is more than 4 days or so in. That red looking line/ring you see circling the egg looks like a blood ring and I don't see any veining. Can you see any good veining?
TruBlu -- I used to go to band camp in Bethany!

I'm still feeling under the weather despite steroids, antibiotics, congestion meds, allergy meds, cough syrup (hydrocodone, no doubt), and two inhalers! Ughhh...sent hubby today to meet someone buying birds. Now I've got enough space in my smaller grow out pen to add in my bigger chicks. Some new friends get to hit the ground today. They should be happy to move out of the brooder.

Happy Saturday everyone!
Joined the new LA thread, same user name :) and I like to spit out my coffee when I read your reply TruBluCG, I ordered eggs last night on an impulse of course, and woke up this morning thinking oh geez I did it again, my hubby is going to kill me...then I read your post lol. better to ask forgiveness than permission I always say :p and sorry to hear about your egg baby, hope all is well.
still working with incubator to get that "perfect" temp before my egg fluffs get here, think i'm going to buy some more thermometers just incase the one that it came with is off. i'm excited and nervous all at once....I have the LG 9200 any suggestions on this particular brand? don't have the egg turner yet.
Chickenbelle - that's kinda what I was thinking, but didn't put it out there. I guess I'll cull and crack it next time I candle. I just wanted to be sure that I don't kill a baby! Sorry you still feeling bad! :-( The meds should have kicked in by now. I hope you get to feeling better!

YEAH! Two people know where Bethany is! LOL. It just a small town, "no-blink" town, but I kinda like it (like the town/area, just not happy with the neighborhood). And YEAH for band camp!! I used to be a band nerd, too! :)

Opossum - I know where Frierson is, too :) There used to be a horse farm out there that I frequented - hauling mares back & forth to the stallion station, foal watching, delivering babies, etc. That would be cool to meet up soon. :)

SilkieBaby - I was LOLing at the "almost spit my coffee out"!! That's too funny. And yes, I agree it is usually easier to ask for forgiveness than permission!! But, to his credit he generally doesn't fuss too much for being a city boy. He just says that we need more land so that I can really unleash the Ellie Mae Clampett that is inside me :). When he saw the box, the look on his face was like oh brother, here we go again! Then he came by and counted while I was weighing & marking and started lookin at me crazy. Started asking, where are we gonna put them and when is he gonna have to build a new pen! LOL :)
still working with incubator to get that "perfect" temp before my egg fluffs get here, think i'm going to buy some more thermometers just incase the one that it came with is off. i'm excited and nervous all at once....I have the LG 9200 any suggestions on this particular brand? don't have the egg turner yet.

I don't have any experience with little giants. I have heard so many mixed reviews. Some people that have them love them and would swear by them. I have also heard many stories of them not holding the temp or temp spikes. I think once you get it calibrated to where you want it, just don't fiddle with it unless you have to.

I have a hovabator that I just love so far! It has been easy to regulate temp & humidity, plus it has a big window on top that my 2 year just loves. He checks the eggs out every morning and asks the same questions everyday. In fact he told me that he wanted eggs for breakfast yesterday but didn't want the incubator eggs! Gotta love it!! ("mommy, I no eat ink-bator egg babies!") LOL

I do have a turner and it has been a life saver for me because I work two jobs plus go to school. So, I just have to worry about turning once a day. I will turn them when I mist & cool daily.

As for thermometers, I had about 4 of them. Two of them are digital, one was MIG, and the other was a dial head style. I took one out when I go the theme regulated. And I just took the other one out today. I still will do "spot checks" with a different thermometer. I also have a digital hygrometer that I use in addition to the one built into incubator. All if my thermometers were calibrated and I probably went a little over board with all of them, but better safe than sorry. :)

I totally understand about being excited and nervous at the same time! I know for sure that I won't be getting any sleep when pipping starts. :)
Chickenbelle - that's kinda what I was thinking, but didn't put it out there. I guess I'll cull and crack it next time I candle. I just wanted to be sure that I don't kill a baby! Sorry you still feeling bad! :-( The meds should have kicked in by now. I hope you get to feeling better!

YEAH! Two people know where Bethany is! LOL. It just a small town, "no-blink" town, but I kinda like it (like the town/area, just not happy with the neighborhood). And YEAH for band camp!! I used to be a band nerd, too! :)

Opossum - I know where Frierson is, too :) There used to be a horse farm out there that I frequented - hauling mares back & forth to the stallion station, foal watching, delivering babies, etc. That would be cool to meet up soon. :)

SilkieBaby - I was LOLing at the "almost spit my coffee out"!! That's too funny. And yes, I agree it is usually easier to ask for forgiveness than permission!! But, to his credit he generally doesn't fuss too much for being a city boy. He just says that we need more land so that I can really unleash the Ellie Mae Clampett that is inside me :). When he saw the box, the look on his face was like oh brother, here we go again! Then he came by and counted while I was weighing & marking and started lookin at me crazy. Started asking, where are we gonna put them and when is he gonna have to build a new pen! LOL :)

There were two thriving horse places back in the day...Frierson Farms (my dad's place) and Maggie Johnston's (now Bill Robinson's lusitanos where my daughter works).
I am a "trying to retire" barrel horse trainer. I thought getting into chickens would be easier, NOT. I'm way to compulsive, lol. I just keep building more pens. Ima card carrying addict...
There were two thriving horse places back in the day...Frierson Farms (my dad's place) and Maggie Johnston's (now Bill Robinson's lusitanos where my daughter works).
I am a "trying to retire" barrel horse trainer. I thought getting into chickens would be easier, NOT. I'm way to compulsive, lol. I just keep building more pens. Ima card carrying addict...

It was Maggie's place :). I worked for one if the stallion owners - Highly Impressive. Plus my mare is by A Major Pleasure. That was Barbara's stallion. I used to run barrels, about 20 years ago. Then got into roping for a while. Don't ride anymore cuz both my geldings died. My mare isn't sound to ride anymore. I bet those Lusitanos are gorgeous!!!

I can totally relate to compulsive! I'm a fly by the seat of my pants kinda gal. I think that poultry just gives us all an outlet for our addictive personalities. If we actually had our own land, I'd be dangerous! But, gotta get done with school first.
SilkieBaby - I was LOLing at the "almost spit my coffee out"!! That's too funny. And yes, I agree it is usually easier to ask for forgiveness than permission!! But, to his credit he generally doesn't fuss too much for being a city boy. He just says that we need more land so that I can really unleash the Ellie Mae Clampett that is inside me :). When he saw the box, the look on his face was like oh brother, here we go again! Then he came by and counted while I was weighing & marking and started lookin at me crazy. Started asking, where are we gonna put them and when is he gonna have to build a new pen! LOL :)
SilkieBaby - your husband sounds like a city boy like mine. Although, my husband would never make a comment to me like "where are we gonna put them and when does he need to build a new pen" -- If he said that to me, the answer would be, "you mean, you didn't start building the pen yet?"

Like Ellie Mae Clampent, I just go forward full speed ahead and let my husband catch up to me.
I'm very blessed to be married to a GOOD man!

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