"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Morning all and hope everyone a great weekend especially the dads :)

On another note critter count update 5 coons 3 possums and today 2 foxes . Am finally winning the spring battle of the boogers
A few pics from yesterday. The lambs are starting to eat grass.

After (2) 9 ounce bottles of milk and a foamy mouth, his belly his full.













Their everywhere lol I would swap ya some deer meat for lamb chops for sure Julie :)

And yea LemonMeringue every year seems I have to re establish I am the biggest baddest booger in these woods

Awww... the little lambs are so darn cute!! To be honest with you, I have never had any lamb... I have eaten the crazy stuff like rattle snake (which isn't bad), but never lamb.

La Mike - aren't foxes hard to catch? I thought that I heard that somewhere. I'm just clueless when it comes to trapping or catching things... unless it's a fish!
Congrats on bagging them!
Also - about doing the "deed" I don't have a problem doing it if I didn't raise it. I worked the kill floor for a few years, and you do get used to it. I don't now if I would be able to kill something that I had raised unless I had them in a separate pen and KNEW that they were going to be supper one day (like someone else said, but can't remember who). Then and only then could I do it... But, I wouldn't have a problem going to someone else's place and doing it. I know that probably sounds strange...
Thanks for the welcomes! I live in New Orleans, I will be buying fully grown ones for the first round as I am starting this primarily for the eggs (any color).

What's chicken math by the way?

You are near my neck of the woods. I'm on the north shore. Sure you want to start with adults. Fuzzy butts (chicks) can be a lot of fun. They also imprint on you. You might think about getting one or two more than you want because there's also the dreded chicken subtraction (predators). Chickens like to be in a flock. If you lost one no more flock. Any idea what breed you want?
kuntrygirl your lambs are so cute! I have never even eaten lamb. I just can't bring myself to buy it in the store because its so expensive. Maybe some day I will be able to raise a few and then I can try it. What breed of sheep are they?

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