"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I saw this posted on Craigslist for flies. Not sure how it works or even if it works but here goes..........

When I was working out of New Orleans, I would have to trips to Thibodaux. There was a couple of people there that really swore by the stuff. I don't have any experience with it, so I don't know. But, I have heard of it before, so it's not totally crazy

I'm thinking that I may have to get a guinea or two to try it... and if they drive the neighbors bonkers, then that's a BONUS for me!!
Hi, Guys. Talking about hot weather, I wanted to send you some fotos from my house. Last year I put pipe cleaners on the necks of a bunch of water bottles and twisted them to make a secure loop. They are all in one spot, since last year in my freezer. Then I used curtin hooks (I had a bunch of them just lying around) to just slide on the hardware cloth in the coops/hutches so that the hook part was pointing up. So, all I do is slip on a fresh frozen bottle and slip off the melted one and rotate back to the freezer. I'm not sure how it could be easier. These bottles, hooks and pipe cleaner loops are on their second year and seem as good as new. And, the bottles rarely get dirty because they're just hanging there, not lying in the cage. Also, the girls literally take turns standing in the bird bath, that I put out there for them to drink from (which they do), but now it's always dirty and my girls have very clean feet. LOL I am planning on getting a small plastic wading pool for them to stand in this week. Finally, this is my miracle surviving baby as of today. I have hand fed it from before its eyes were open. We are so bonded!!
Great idea !!!
I have a question- that broody leghorn is still sitting on 4 eggs, 2 hatched 5 days ago, I'm pretty sure the other 4 should have hatched by now. What do I need to do just take them from her before they rot or does she know they or good that's why she still sitting on them?
I have a question- that broody leghorn is still sitting on 4 eggs, 2 hatched 5 days ago, I'm pretty sure the other 4 should have hatched by now. What do I need to do just take them from her before they rot or does she know they or good that's why she still sitting on them?

I would candle them to see what's up. If they are bad, toss them and get her out of the nest. No need in her sitting on bad eggs.
I would candle them to see what's up. If they are bad, toss them and get her out of the nest. No need in her sitting on bad eggs.

Ooh be careful candleing them though you might really find out whats wrong I had a few expklode on me tioday some older eggs I had found boy o boy thats a ruff blow to the nostrils good thing(oops shouldve seen this mess uop)ng i wear my specks darn near 24/7 or i'd had all that to deal with too


I'm tyipng in thr dark here i can't see how to spelll LOL

man I better turn on some lights so I can see the keys I'm putting up some stuff on here tonight, LOL
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Thanks & I will be careful of the exploding eggs wear some gloves & glasses. I getting scared they might blow in the hen house that why I asked lol chicken feather & rotten egg all over the place. lmao picture that seen in you head
Lol I dont have to picture MS Rooster Cogb I seen it antd it aint nice

Julie dont you have one of them wild barn cats lmbo
Someone decided I needed a cat and dumped off 4 little 5-6 week old kittens. I saved em from Sheba but these things are wildern a bobcat with a burr caught on his butt.

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