"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Good for you! That's ridiculous!

The little black chicken (which we nicknamed Flo) is by far smarter than any of my birds. Although I know not to put a new chicken in with the old ones, I didn't really have much of a say so. My grandma saw her running in the yard and the next time she saw her she was walking around in the chicken pen. She comes and goes as she pleases, occasionally leaving an egg. The fence isn't high enough to help.

On the other hand, the girls followed her example and now 2 are laying!

Edit: What should we do? Clip her wing?

I read somewhere that if you clip the main flight feathers on the left side it works great. After one of mine flew over a 7' fence, I did that and haven't had a problem since.

That bird wants to live with you. Too late to convince it otherwise. Lol. Or make gumbo. Lol.
Ok. Thanks. It's a thought right now. I haven't even started researching them yet. Thanks for the thread I didn't realize there was one for rabbits. Is there one for goats? We will be getting 2 baby Pygmy any day now just waiting for the call they are ready. Our Farm has gone way past horses and cows. Lol.
Not sure about a thread but I think there is a "backyardherds".
I forgot to ask: I fed all the chickens the red pepper today. All they had at the store was "crushed red pepper" no ground, so I got it and fed it to them. Questions: how often do I give it to them? Will it make them hotter in the summer? Thanks guys, I love this thread!!
Yo Primrose, from what I've read birds in general , do not feel the heat from the capsaicin . I put in my bird feeders all the time . It's a real treat to watch the squirrels, freak out. Hot sauce on bread works good on the cackles. As far as how often can't tell ya . Also from what else I've read powders kale is high in vitavetavegamen.lol. And raw garlic. And to kuntrygirl " GET THE ROPE " unfortunately we are surrounded by morons. I hope all is well .A big hello to all the new eggs. Still trying to get pics up oh well,maybe some day. Log splitter took a dive today bummer. . Good day every one
I looked at sex link(Black Star) as one of the possible turn to breeds. Australorps from what I have read have a very good nature to them. Hens brood well if the need comes up. Plus the egg production bit. When I get them in and through the process I will (if I do not forget) take photos and keep record. Post them up here when I have a good amount of info.
Yo Primrose, from what I've read birds in general , do not feel the heat from the capsaicin . I put in my bird feeders all the time . It's a real treat to watch the squirrels, freak out. Hot sauce on bread works good on the cackles. As far as how often can't tell ya . Also from what else I've read powders kale is high in vitavetavegamen.lol. And raw garlic. And to kuntrygirl " GET THE ROPE " unfortunately we are surrounded by morons. I hope all is well .A big hello to all the new eggs. Still trying to get pics up oh well,maybe some day. Log splitter took a dive today bummer. . Good day every one

Lol. I have TOO many squirrels raiding feed. I never considered the added benefit that the squirrels might stay away.
Julie - I hope you do everything you can to teach the "dumper" a lesson. Don't back down!

I managed to control my rabbit impulses. I haven't had rabbits since I was in high school so we only bought 3 good New Zealand meat rabbits. But I have to admit that every time I see a pic of a little lionhead my heart melts. I force myself to look away.

I have several cockerels that someone NEEDS TO TAKE HOME!!!!! (partridge bantam cochins, rir, and olive egger) And I am still looking for about two more bantam cochin pullets and two more silkie pullets. I will be a little picky about the silkie colors, but I can't find anyone with rare colors near me. I have two cockerels from the silkie pen for sale -- there are 4 boys in there with 3 girls. Grrrr... One boy for sale is a showgirl - white. His earlobes dangle down and he has a lovely mohawk. We named him RuePaul. The other for sale is a paint - he is white with black and orange painted markings. I would like lavender, calico, red, or splash pullets to add in that pen. If you know anyone with good, healthy birds in those choices or the cochins, please let me know!

I have a cochin and a lavender orp pullet that went broody this week. The orp has only been laying about a month and the cochin just started two weeks or so ago. So now we are having to fight the evil mamas to get the other eggs out of the nests every day. I wish that if one went broody the other girls would just move their rears over and use another nest! Creatures of habit!

I have my first duck egg in the hatcher. Those shells are super thick and it had trouble breaking completely through the shell so I assisted until I saw veins and then neosporined the membrane and put it back. It has its beak fully out and is talking away in there but hasn't made any more attempts to bust out of there so I suppose I will be attempting to hatch a duckling today.

The peas are feeling their wings. They go from perfect standstill to about 3 inches off the bottom of the brooder in little hops. I originally thought the little white one was going to be the troublemaker -- curious little thing, but the pied one is the one doing most of the wing flapping and jumping around in there. The pied one flings more feed. The pied one got a marble out of the water and they played soccer together. I think they're going to want a little roost before long. They take turns sleeping either on top of their water dish or on top of the thermometer.
Silly babies!

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