"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I am a little stressed this morning I will admit. My sister has been having colon trouble for many, many months now. I have been telling her for a year that she should at least try to go gluten free to see if it will help. Auto-immune issues just run in the family. Since we had vacation together in July she has had SCARY symptoms that I will not even give you the mental picture of. SCARY! But she is a stubborn women on a shoestring budget while taking care of 3 kids and one step daughter part time. And all this while nursing her youngest full time. She finally got so bad recently, in so much pain and couldn't hardly stand that she went to the ER. Of course they were shocked at her condition. And she is young. Only 27. So today she is having a colonoscopy and I am truly nervous about what they will find. I really hope that its JUST Celiac or Crones disease and not the other dreaded C word. I have not felt nervous until today, God has helped us. Guess I need to stop taking things back from Him that he is in control of. Not like I could do anything about the situation anyway. If you are a praying person, please say one for Elizabeth. Thank you
Prayers said. Thoughts and prayers your way.
I started 2 large batches of pineapple wine last night. Crossing my fingers it turns out ok. :fl

I am a little stressed this morning I will admit. My sister has been having colon trouble for many, many months now. I have been telling her for a year that she should at least try to go gluten free to see if it will help. Auto-immune issues just run in the family. Since we had vacation together in July she has had SCARY symptoms that I will not even give you the mental picture of. SCARY! But she is a stubborn women on a shoestring budget while taking care of 3 kids and one step daughter part time. And all this while nursing her youngest full time. She finally got so bad recently, in so much pain and couldn't hardly stand that she went to the ER. Of course they were shocked at her condition. And she is young. Only 27. So today she is having a colonoscopy and I am truly nervous about what they will find. I really hope that its JUST Celiac or Crones disease and not the other dreaded C word. I have not felt nervous until today, God has helped us. Guess I need to stop taking things back from Him that he is in control of. Not like I could do anything about the situation anyway. If you are a praying person, please say one for Elizabeth. Thank you

We will all be praying for her and your family.
Good news: I think my kitty's eye may make it. I don't think it will look normal but I will be happy if he can keep it. There is still a hole about the size of his pupil. I think he can see some bec he can tell when I'm approaching it with medicine. Still praying. But looking good. Thanks for the encouragement.

That's a big relief . I'm happy things are headed in the right direction for you and your kitty. Pam
So you got my curiosity up enough to catch a little bit of reading during my sleepless night.  I need to do a little changing in my diet :rolleyes:   I think I may have a green smoothie for breakfast.
I hope it helps you. Don't be hard on yourself if you eat junk or sugar it's Christmas ....so that's extra challenging . Pam
Prayers sent out for Elizabeth. Sometimes stress can do that, sounds like her life is full. When I was in school and a single mom I ended up in the ER one night the pain in my stomach was so bad. They told me: you can either quit stressing or die. Whew. That was a strong message. I chose to quit stressing. That was a lot of years ago and I have stressed myself sick over things from time to time since then, but then I reign myself in again. Change the things you can change and let the rest go. Simple but very hard to do. Of course the biggest change was when I became a Christian and learned to rely on God. I am NOT at all perfect at doing this, just usually end up turning to God, hopefully sooner rather than later.
I am a little stressed this morning I will admit.  My sister has been having colon trouble for many, many months now.  I have been telling her for a year that she should at least try to go gluten free to see if it will help.  Auto-immune issues just run in the family.  Since we had vacation together in July she has had SCARY symptoms that I will not even give you the mental picture of.  SCARY!  But she is a stubborn women on a shoestring budget while taking care of 3 kids and one step daughter part time.  And all this while nursing her youngest full time.  She finally got so bad recently, in so much pain and couldn't hardly stand that she went to the ER.  Of course they were shocked at her condition.  And she is young.  Only 27.  So today she is having a colonoscopy and I am truly nervous about what they will find.  I really hope that its JUST Celiac or Crones disease and not the other dreaded C word.  I have not felt nervous until today, God has helped us.  Guess I need to stop taking things back from Him that he is in control of.  Not like I could do anything about the situation anyway.  If you are a praying person, please say one for Elizabeth.  Thank you

You can pray studies show people that are prayed for heal faster. I will pray for her too. Have you heard of Dr. Emoto? He does studies on how emotions effect water. We are 90% water. If you look him up there are videos on you tube of his study's . It makes you think about mind, body, spirit connection . Pam

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