"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Roberts? Hugh? I drink Fresh Markets Blue Mountain blend, it's good. I have Aldo discovered a new coffee that's pretty cheap and REaLLY good! It's Southern Pecan. I'll look at the brand when I get back home and let you know.

Fresh market was called Roberts fresh market when they first opened. Now it's just fresh market!!
Where can I get my liscence to sell eggs in louisiana

On a small scale I don't think anyone has or needs one. I can't remember the exact numbers but there is an exemption for less then what a small scale farm would do. (like less then 1000 broilers sold in a year doesn't have to have one.) It does help if you sell chicks or expect to be on a bigger scale to be NPIP certified. I don't know the exact details but both Kuntrygirl and catdaddyfro do. They'll be on soon.
Well a BIG HELLO!!!! Welcome! Be sure to check in anytime at all...we are a lively bunch, and tend to jump on just about everyday! Ask away and share your ideas! Glad you came along!

X 2 - welcome!!!

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