"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Snake #2 and counting. Now I look forward to seeing them. Helps me release some stress.


Pitch fork or pellet gun?
Easter egg ers also lay blue eggs. Amercauna mixes do. We had a discussion on here a couple of times about Easter Eggers vs. Amercaunas. It would be easy to search, I think. I don't believe yours are Amercaunas, but they look lovely.
Yeah, upon further research, I think that they are Easter Eggers. Oh well. Lesson learned. Conduct a little more research before my next purchase.

Thank you for the help.
Yeah, upon further research, I think that they are Easter Eggers. Oh well. Lesson learned. Conduct a little more research before my next purchase.

Thank you for the help.

A lot of people prefer easter eggers better or just as much. I understand they were miss represented and maybe you paid more than and easter egger cost. Easter eggers lay a bigger egg and more of them. I'm atill suprized they didn't have ear tufts or muffs, All the ones I've had have one or the other or both. you might find you like the eggers better. Pam
A lot of people prefer easter eggers better or just as much. I understand they were miss represented and maybe you paid more than and easter egger cost. Easter eggers lay a bigger egg and more of them. I'm atill suprized they didn't have ear tufts or muffs, All the ones I've had have one or the other or both. you might find you like the eggers better. Pam

X 2 -- I have an EE who is going on 10 yrs old - she still lays a big green egg now & then. I bought 2 EE's last fall who just started to lay - I like those big green & blue eggs! My true Ameracauanas lay medium size eggs.
Morning La-yers, what's going on besides peach borers (not sure what those are since I don't have peach trees) and snake-killing? Yesterday evening I moved the two broodies out of isolation back to the main flock. I hope they don't go broody again! We still have a lot of water on the ground. I'll pick the first mess of snap beans this evening! Still waiting on cukes & tomatoes. That's about all going on here, just work and home and repeat.

My dear friend finally completed her book - she's been working on it for 9 years, a tribute to her father who was an Italian immigrant to this country. It's a good read!

Nooooo! Wth are peach tree borers?!
I have to thin peaches? I have a lot going on in my young tree this year, is it better for the tree if I take some off?
If there are so many peaches too close together it can definitely cause you to not get peaches that are juicy and delicious. They could just be hard and small and not worth eating. Its kind of like crowding veggie plants in the garden. If you planted tomato plants 1 inch apart and left them, the tomatoes would not be as big or as juicy because they would be sharing nutrients. Also just as far as a space issue. If a branch is literally covered there won't be room for a peach to develop and actually grow to a large size. They recommend thinning so that there is plenty of space and nutrients for each peach. I could see on my Elberta peach that the areas that were lined with peaches were going to be a problem and I already could see a size difference from the other branches that had gotten thinned naturally from wind etc. This vid has a good demonstration. I was going to do this earlier but I was having so many just naturally drop off that I wanted to wait until that stopped on its own. Now I may have waited longer than I actually should have. Crossing my fingers for decent size peaches on that Elberta. The early Elberta wasn't so heavily pollinated.

Trimming a new, young tree for the proper shape......
This is the type of open center training I do for my peach trees. Its the shape that peach groves are usually done in because having heavy fruit loads on the angled branches hold up much better. A lot less chance of the weight of the fruit causing the branch to break or a storm splitting the branch off. That would cause the tree usually to have to be cut down. At first I had a hard time just cutting the tree off in the center. So I waited an extra year because I was not as confident as I am now. But after watching plenty of videos, reading university studies and descriptions and seeing how our two trees did after using this method........if I ever plant more peach trees I would have no problem identifying the scaffolding branches and trimming off the central leader of the tree.

Same channel, trimming one a bit older. All branches that go up in the center and go straight down are removed. Those super straight branches that are trimmed off harden very nicely and I use them as stakes for the garden.

The borers are some kind of flying insect that comes and lays eggs on the tree. The eggs hatch and the larvae find a crack or wound in the bark, like sun scald or a crack from fast growth. The larvae bores in and eats causing damage. The evidence is a big glob of amber colored JELLO looking oooozzz. So far its not bad since I guess they just found my trees. I am going to buy some traps for the adults and also spray with some organic sprays, I have 2 kinds. The problem is that it should be PREVENTED in an optimum situation, not treated. Its hard to get to the borers once they are IN the tree. Obviously the damage, if an infestation goes too far, could cause a tree to become worthless.
LOL @ intervention. I am trying to wean myself slowly. I'm running out of room with everything I'm buying. I'm getting to the point where I am always looking in everyone's basket to see what they are buying to see if I have a coupon for it. If I ever have to go back to paying regular price for things, it will probably kill me. I didn't realize how expensive things are in the store when they are not purchased on sale. If I had time, I could be someone's personal shopper. :oops:

I was thinking we could shop at your house. :oops:

Yea, come on over.

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