"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I finally got the bator running! I have 20 eggs in right now, all mixes of the cochin boys and different girls. I may throw a few more in tomorrow if they lay any. They decided they were too busy today. I just hope I'm not too rusty and I get a good hatch in 21 days!
I finally got the bator running! I have 20 eggs in right now, all mixes of the cochin boys and different girls. I may throw a few more in tomorrow if they lay any. They decided they were too busy today. I just hope I'm not too rusty and I get a good hatch in 21 days! :fl  

I'm sure you will do great. Pam
I'm glad you had good numbers from my eggs. I'll be curious to see the difference in the two lines. Was the legbar a poullet or Roo ? Wish I was closer I'd take a roo off your hands from the other line. I've been reading about finishing a roo to make them taste better if interested let me know. Pam
Pam, yes I'm happy with the numbers. A bit cockerel heavy though. If your ever up this way your welcome to a male anytime. I surely can't keep them all. Pretty sure the legbar is a male also, it has a spot on it's head
If it is a male and anybody here in the Layers thread is interested in it please by all means let me know. It will have to go in the stewpot.

I'm very interested in finishing roos. You know I have this straight run of BR's from ideal. I think it's a straight run of roos
These hatchery birds are frustrating, there's no rhyme or reason to colors. I'm gonna have to do something with them in the next month or two. I had one bow up on me a couple days ago. I've thought about feeding them game bird high protein or a broiler ration. I'm disgusted with the options for feed we have in Ruston.

One of the little male chicks from coastline is walking on it's hocks and not standing up straight. It is one that I assisted. I'm thinking it might be why it was slow to zip out. I'm not sure what to do whether to give it some time or cull it. I guess it might be payback for me helping it out.
I finally got the bator running! I have 20 eggs in right now, all mixes of the cochin boys and different girls. I may throw a few more in tomorrow if they lay any. They decided they were too busy today. I just hope I'm not too rusty and I get a good hatch in 21 days!
Buggles, what kind of incubator do you have/use.
Pam, yes I'm happy with the numbers. A bit cockerel heavy though. If your ever up this way your welcome to a male anytime. I surely can't keep them all. Pretty sure the legbar is a male also, it has a spot on it's head :(  If it is a male and anybody here in the Layers thread is interested in it please by all means let me know. It will have to go in the stewpot.

I'm very interested in finishing roos. You know I have this straight run of BR's from ideal. I think it's a straight run of roos :rolleyes:  These hatchery birds are frustrating, there's no rhyme or reason to colors. I'm gonna have to do something with them in the next month or two. I had one bow up on me a couple days ago. I've thought about feeding them game bird high protein or a broiler ration. I'm disgusted with the options for feed we have in Ruston.

One of the little male chicks from coastline is walking on it's hocks and not standing up straight. It is one that I assisted. I'm thinking it might be why it was slow to zip out. I'm not sure what to do whether to give it some time or cull it. I guess it might be payback for me helping it out.

As for your chick walking funny give it vitamins or ultra kibble. Sometimes it's last a nutrients in the chick or the parent birds.
As for food in your area look up azure standard they are a truck drop co-op they will tell you if you call them the closest drop in your area. They sell two of the best feeds and some other good ones. I like scratch n peck or big sky.
If the legbar is brown with chipmunk strips its a poullet.
For finishing a roo start 2 weeks before processing feed grains makes me like scratch n peck even more. And dairy like milk cream cheese etc.
that legbar roo can be used to make road bars and olive eggers. Pam
Do any of you have a link to the recommended dosages for using the pour on ivermectin (contains 5mg ivermectin per ml) that is used by putting drops onto the skin of a chicken? I know that I have seen a chart a few places that shows how many drops you use for the different sizes of chickens.
I thought you sold or traded them. Congrates on the hatch great numbers!!!!!
I had a deal made but haven't persued it further, he isn't ready for them so i think i will keep them, but seperate except just long enough to keep her fertile, any longer than that does her in for about 4 weeks, he blocks her from eating and torments her to no end, so he is with my main flock, he has 7 or 8 hens that follow him, but he gets a scolding from flock leader Bossman if he gets too happy and hits the wrong girl. We are going to hatch what eggs we have by Tuesday and maybe some other greens or blues while i am at work.

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