"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

This chick was an Assist. It won't stand long. They are on vitamin water & mediated crumbles. Other ones are GREAT .. The only problem is, I have 4 pullets and the roo is a Bantam Black N White Cochin.. What am I going to do? I thought that out of 4, the chances of a Trio were good
guess NOT...
Manda, I had to assist three in my hatch, one is doing good, another didn't want to stand long either it kind of hobbles around but is getting better, the third I think I'm losing. This afternoon I found it laying on it's back crying, seems to be real weak and very sleepy.
Well Annabelle took a turn for the worse over the course of the night and we lost her a short bit ago. It was all very sudden and unexpected. She was a good bird. I really hope those eggs of hers are fertile and I can get them to hatch. It would be a small blessing if I could at least have some chicks from her. 

Awww mannn, another one over night. Sad day :( I am so sorry for your loss. I you would like any Amerucana? No cost, let me know. So sorry
Manda, I had to assist three in my hatch, one is doing good, another didn't want to stand long either it kind of hobbles around but is getting better, the third I think I'm losing.  This afternoon I found it laying on it's back crying, seems to be real weak and very sleepy.

Are you giving them vitamin water? Mine is moving around alot more since this morning. Ans standing up longer. Doesnt walk ling distances but i definitely see improvement. The vitamins really work.
Are you giving them vitamin water? Mine is moving around alot more since this morning. Ans standing up longer. Doesnt walk ling distances but i definitely see improvement. The vitamins really work.
Cody Add some honey and vitamins dipping its little beak to encourage growth if you can. Trying to help please forgive me if you know this already, :)
So mix honey in the water also? Thank you Mamakitty. :) would real maple syrup work in a pinch. It's all I have right now. Let me run this past ya'll. A couple days ago I noticed this chick peep when it pooped kind of like it hurt and it only pooped a little bit. I thought it might be a one off thing but I just checked on them and it peeped and pooped at the same time again. Couldn't really see how much it pooped because it's dark with only the brooder lamps on. Any thoughts on this?
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Just a quick note to update. Computer is going in tomorrow, and I say, about time. PITA. I did some clean up work around the coops today. I got rid of a lot of stuff sitting around collecting dust. And it seems that I won't be doing much with the compost pile I staredt a few weeks ago so I took it apart and put buckets in the coops so the chickens could play. And they were having fun when I left. My handyman George is coming tomorrow to finish the second coop. Hardware cloth so the 4 small ones can go outside when it gets warmer. I'll touch base when I can.
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Well Annabelle took a turn for the worse over the course of the night and we lost her a short bit ago. It was all very sudden and unexpected. She was a good bird. I really hope those eggs of hers are fertile and I can get them to hatch. It would be a small blessing if I could at least have some chicks from her. 

Sorry to hear this Buggles. I hope her eggs hatch.Pam

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