"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"


One of the hatches from my egg laying (mixed) flock Awwwwww
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Funny thing about that, at 12:45pm I looked at my phone and realized that the 16th is on a Monday not Tues like I was thinking. Yikes!!!!! I called them and bathed and rushed over an hour late but everything was fine. Twenty people in front of me. ha. Sure enough the knee does need it so I will be going in on March 10 and having it done. Dr agrees that rehab for 2-3wks is best for me. I'll be in clover. I do have a high thresh hold for pain so I'm just going to get it over and get going. My health is so darn good except for this. I'm not a negative person and look for the best. And usually I find it. I really liked the Dr. I've got a dozen blue egg layer eggs that I was thinking about putting in the bator just to see if they were fertile. They would be done about the time of the surgery. The SeBrights have about 10 more days. Gonna be in such trouble. ha.
You'll be fine plus you have all of us praying for ya. If you get bored call me. text me I'll walk you therw posting pics with your phone ect. Pam

My Biefeleder Rooster hatched 12- 10 -14

The Poulet kept a trio to build my Biefelder flock.



Jill Rees line legbar poullet 1 -12-15 hatch.

Sulmtalers I got a strait run trio think they are all roos. So looking for poulets or trade. Fly Pen?:fl


The Breese are the sweetest and calmest chicks they love to be held. I'm really falling for them. I have three different ages of chicks. They are all getting along never had that happen before. Yesterday the heater was turned off no one is owning up on that one but the 1-12 Ishbars and marens jumped in with my three day oid chicks and took them under their wings everyone was fine.It was great I could put all three of these groups together and they would all get along.

Here's the newest most of these are sold. keeping the breese. leting some rees roosters grow out so have a couple of legbar roos that will be sold or traded if you contacted me and I haven't completed our trade I will be in touch this week. With all my chick and egg sales Plus chick buys I've been busy. Plus my Dad Is ill as some of you know I've just have a lot on my plate. so bare with me I'm catching up. Pam
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Beautiful chicks Pam! Love the assorted colors!

I ended up with four more RIR chicks. Not a great hatch, but considering they were shipped eggs & I let them sit an extra 2 days, I can't complain - it was a 50% hatch overall. Chicks look fine & healthy. I will once again attempt to feather-sex them & see if these come out like the last ones -- we guessed correctly on the last hatch - 3 girls & 3 boys - there was one we weren't sure of but we figured either 3 & 3 or 2 & 4 so we were pretty accurate!

OK time to get to work, have a good day everybody! and stay warm! It is a balmy 29 here with a very chilly wind!
Cleaning the laundry room to get the bator up and running. It's my least favorite room to clean because it's always so dusty. :/

Only got three eggs yesterday, because of the weather moving in I guess. I'm hoping for a few more today. Right now I have six SS eggs and two FBMC pullet eggs. I'll set at least a dozen, so it may be a mixed bag.

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