"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

every one has the question about washing eggs....
well here it is...the solution...and it kills many diseases...well pretty much everything....even hiv....
take a look for yourself...great product...i now use it.
called tek trol

read about hatching egg sanitizer....

hope people find this useful
Hi Folks,
Okay, question, maybe of the day… Does this TekTrol stuff inhibit incubation; and can one get away with scrubbing poop off of eggs that are to be incubated with say an old soft toothbrush using this for the wash agent? If the answers are positive, where can this miracle stuff be obtained? Inquiring minds want to know.
Neal, the Zooman
i would wash with hands lightly...the stuff comes off great and leaves a coat on the egg....it can be bought at cutlersupply.com....below is the direct link...they are very fast with getting the product to your door...took only two days to get here ordered it sat and it showed up yesterday
it is the best product out there in my mind....as most egg sanitizers you have to use 1 once to one gallon....this product you use a 1/2 ounce per gallon....and the bottle makes 254 gallons....if i remember right....
def a must have for incubation eggs...then you can use the same product to clean your incubators as well....and anything else for that matter

hope this helps...with all the avian influenza and other diseases going around the states this is a must have product...it kills six kinds of avian viruses....
Can y'all tell me what color this chick is? I have a hard time knowing. Blue? Gray? Black chick for comparison. Sorry for the bad lighting. It's so dreary outside I can't offset the yellow bulbs.



What is it about the Bieles you don't like? Just wondering - I had considered raising them for a while, but I'm so happy with my Rhode Island Reds I'm sticking with them & also crossing my RIR roo on my Cuckoo Marans & Welsummers.

Terri, presently I'm not saying I don't like them just disappointed at the moment. My birds are almost 11 weeks and they pretty much hang out in the coop all day. They don't show much initiative to get out and free range. I don't know if it's because they're still a bit young. I think they're scared. l only have the BR's I had before to compare to. I leave the run door open all day, the last two days they didn't leave the run at all. Today they've made a loop with me around the premises. Surely they will gain more confidence as they get older.

The chicks that are about 4 weeks that I put in the coop at 1.5 weeks old I've noticed a major difference in confidence and how they act towards me. They seem to rely on me a lot more. They are friendlier and don't run from me like the others did. They're more or less like puppies. The others I kept in the brooder till 5 weeks and weren't exposed to the outside world as early and it seems to have made a big difference. I've been trying to teach them to roost. At bedtime I can tap on the bottom perch and they've learned to jump on it when I tap. I don't know if they stay on it all night or not but they're getting the idea.
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Haha, thanks Cody. It's the only egg I hatched from my orpington, so I'm hoping for blue and speckles. A blue speckled sussex would be glorious. Maybe when both my kids are in school I'll be able to sit down and absorb the genetics info.
:welcome    In case I haven't welcomed you.  ha.   They say that the ideal 236 is special.  What makes it different?  Bred with something else maybe.     Your picture didn't come through, by the way,.  

Sorry my phone bugged out. Here are the girls. Unfortunately a cat took an ameraucana, WLH, and a turken yesterday. ;.(
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