"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

:D when i tell u it helped? The flies were tryn to move in my House! Theyre no longer an issue, even in the DUCK pen! They eat that stuff up like its afdictive,and half the time they die before leaving the trap!
Hello! I just have a question for expirienced chicken owners. So one of my hens went broody but its been a month since ive had a rooster, so the eggs shes sitting on arent fertilized. I have an aunt with a chicken farm that i could possibly get fertilized eggs from and i was wondering if my hen would want to hatch these eggs if i gave them to her?
If the hen has been sitting on unfertilzed eggs for a few days you could definitely swap them out for fertilized ones. She will then hatch and raise the chicks. Swap them out at night, and be careful. She may try to peck you
Just popped in to check this group and say hi to the la-yers. Been a minute or 2 since I was on BYC. Anybody still here knows me lol.
Man yesterday was a killer! We finished the last section of fence yesterday. Drove t-posts, wooden 4x4s, unrolled hog wire, attached to tractor and used come along to stretch. Then clip to t-posts and hammer staples to 4x4s. Weedeat and mow the next section then repeat. We battled wasps and the heat all day. Started at 8:30 and ended at 7. The heat was the worst since we didn't have shade. I came out of the whole ordeal with a nice sunburn, lots of cuts and bruises, and one crushed pointer finger. But the fence is done! :D We'll quickly run the electric fencing and the field will be ready for the horses again


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