"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Hey Pam. My sister has birds dying. She sent three dead ones to LSU and they were diagnosed as Mareks. I was at her house last weekend and walked through her chicken yard. Only time will tell if I carried it back to my flock on my shoes.

I sure hope I didn't.
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Hey Pam. My sister has birds dying. She sent three dead ones to LSU and they were diagnosed as Mareks. I was at her house last weekend and walked through her chicken yard. Only time will tell if I carried it back to my flock on my shoes.

I sure hope I didn't. :/

Wow,I sorry to hear that. I've pretty much stopped letting people in my chicken yard for that reason. At least till I get shoe covers. That's sad to hear. I've heard it can live in the ground for quit a while. I hope they aren't the chicks you hatched for her. Here's hoping it didn't come home with you. Pam
Some of the chicks of hers that I hatched have died two were sent to LSU along with a juvie. The two chicks, one had coccidia and the other ecoli. The juvie is the one that tested positive for Mareks. I've been reading and Mareks compromises/weakens the immune system therefore they are more susceptible. Right now she's just taking all this in and trying to figure out how to move forward. It may be just the beginning of a long drawn out process. I want her to send some of her live birds to LSU to have them tested to make sure 100%. But right now it's about what this all is costing. She is working on this through her vet. This will just take time. She is heartbroken about this whole situation.

Yea I hope I didn't bring it home either. I don't know how I'm going to avoid this. It can be carried on skin, hair, clothes, wind, dust, ect. Can be in her house. She could bring it with her to my mothers with her kids when we have family gatherings. Pretty much anywhere. It can live outside a host for 5 months to a year is what I've read.
Holy moly Cody - so sorry to hear you are battling Mareks! That is so heartbreaking. I don't allow anybody in my coops or run. I hope nothing ever affects the Inglewood chickens because there are a couple hundred of them & they are right there just down the road from me, but so far, so good, knock on wood.

Pitched a couple more clears today but still have 18 eggs looking good & rocking away in the bator -- hoping to salvage a few more of my RIRs & have a half dozen of 1/2 Ameracauna/ 1/2 RiR - I think these might produce olive eggers but not sure & it doesn't matter because this little hen has been a awesome layer & hopefully her offspring will be, too. And the black copper marans still looking good. Going into the home stretch!

We went to the Wings Over Natchitoches airshow today & it was very nice! Anybody looking for a good family - friendly event, this was one - admission was free, people were very nice.
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Some of the chicks of hers that I hatched have died two were sent to LSU along with a juvie. The two chicks, one had coccidia and the other ecoli. The juvie is the one that tested positive for Mareks. I've been reading and Mareks compromises/weakens the immune system therefore they are more susceptible. Right now she's just taking all this in and trying to figure out how to move forward. It may be just the beginning of a long drawn out process. I want her to send some of her live birds to LSU to have them tested to make sure 100%. But right now it's about what this all is costing. She is working on this through her vet. This will just take time. She is heartbroken about this whole situation.

Yea I hope I didn't bring it home either. I don't know how I'm going to avoid this. It can be carried on skin, hair, clothes, wind, dust, ect. Can be in her house. She could bring it with her to my mothers with her kids when we have family gatherings. Pretty much anywhere. It can live outside a host for 5 months to a year is what I've read.

Wow, Cody thats a shame. I hope they find it was only the juvenile. Did she buy it or hatch it? I'm sorry you have to deal with this. I know the Barb's were vacinated. Have you vacinated the one's you hatched?To bad their isn't a bloodtest for it. You know the ag vet that does the NPIP might have a bloodtest for it. I remember him telling me that they only needed test for one bird from each coop because if one has it they all do. I hope thats not true. Pam

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